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Everything posted by Galong

  1. Name a law that Hillary broke, please. Why didn't the GOP go after her AND get it to court? Could it be the same reason that they didn't carry on with their impeachment of Biden, that being, a TOTAL LACK OF EVIDENCE? PS: remember to send your donations to the self-proclaimed billionaire's legal fund cookie jar. Do it for 'Murica.
  2. This is the first time that Trump has got 100% of the votes! 🥳🤭
  3. Aw, is your Messiah being held accountable for his blatant crimes? That's so unfair. I really feel for you. I suggest moving back to 'Murica to fight for justice. Oh, and don't forget, your self-proclaimed billionaire buddy needs your cash donations, stat!
  4. None of my Thai friends know anything about it, but all of my expat friends certainly do. 'On paper' it might not openly say it's directed at foreigners, but as someone who lived here during Thaksin's reign, I'm pretty sure his dislike for foreigners had some influence on the puppet.
  5. My accountant said 60. I hope she's right as my wife is 60 and it'd be nice if she was exempt too. 🤞🤞 65 does sound more realistic though to be honest.
  6. I just spoke to my accountant based on your post (BTW, thanks for this) and she said that because I'm over 60 years old, my meager Thai salary isn't taxable. I don't know if it's the meager salary part or the age part, but she says I'm exempt. I'm 68 and taking the minimum allowed to help with the marketing for the company I started and ran for the last 25 years. I pay Social Security and company taxes, but apparently, the personal tax side is not an age thanks to my age. Finally, being old has a benefit. 👴
  7. Good guess, but it's still a guess.
  8. At the AIS center today where I switched my phone to my name, they said verification is available on the AIS app. I can't verify that what they did today worked because OF COURSE it takes 24-ish hours for it to change over according to them. Anyway, if you have a mobile app, it should have 'account name' details.
  9. And who determines what is legitimate? I'm 100% legitimate, but I use one phone for business and banking (without thinking to clear it through ASEANNOW users). I switch it to my name as MOST of what I do on my phone is personal. I'll accept the small tax write-off I got from this phone being used sometimes for business. It is what it is.
  10. My wife and I went to AIS in the big Lotus's in Phuket Town. It's sorted now, but my goodness, I'd sooner get a prostate exam by Edward Scissorhands than go through that again. It was as if this was the first time they'd ever changed a name on a phone. All three of the staff had a crack at the computer, but they finally figured it out. I didn't time it, but it had to be over an hour for something that I expected to take maybe 15 minutes.
  11. I lived in Ao Nang from 1994 to 1996. 1994 was cool and authentic. I was tired of it by 1995. The villagers got together and decide to make Ao Nang a cookie-cutter copy of everywhere else in Thailand and thus destroying a unique feel that it had before. All of the huts on the beach were torn down and tacky concrete was the chosen path. I haven't been back since.
  12. Yes, it's not a big deal and we're a small family-owned business, not a corporation. Our phone are in the company name at the suggestion of our accountant. That's what she does with her firm and if you check around, you'll likely find that a lot of people here do the same thing. This is Thailand. It's less anal-retentive than police-state countries, though there are signs that it's heading that way. 😏 The majority of my business is done by email and WhatsApp.
  13. Exactly, this will be a mild inconvenience for criminals and a pain in the backside for the rest of us. The new tax scheme supposedly developed ALSO to catch wealthy Thais who use the loophole. In reality, the supposed target rich people will find a way around it. Us average folks will be nailed.
  14. Yes, it's my only phone. I use it for work and some of that work involves online banking. I could have two SIM cards, but that seems an additional step that shouldn't be necessary. Yes, go after obvious criminals. There are a lot of us legitimately using our phones for business and personal use.
  15. Those of us who work here usually have our phone SIMS registered in our company's name. This is a standard practice among business people for tax purposes. I guess I'll either have to get an additional card or lose the tax write-off. This will affect a lot of Thai business people as well. Again, it's a common practice to put your personal phone in the company's name. Oh well, SSDD.
  16. Hmm, both my and my Thai wife's mobiles are registered through our company for tax purposes. I just called our accountant about this new law and she said her personal mobile is also in her company's name. She heard mention of something like this new rule coming into effect, but it's not prominent in the Thai news. This is going to affect more than just us expats. As my Thai accountant just told me, "Amazing Thailand". She's funny. 🤭
  17. I'm retracting my post. I should have known better than to make any comment on this forum. Oh well, live and learn.
  18. Yeah, my electric bill has been higher this year than ever before. Last month it was 1,000+ baht higher than the previous month. We didn't do anything 'extra' last month, so this makes no sense.
  19. This is nothing more than your opinion. What was astounding (in my opinion), was the quick response by local small entrepreneurs. There was a tremendous boon for new businesses. What should be addressed or researched is in the economic boon from this new cottage industry. "public health will show too many people affected in absolute numbers" Hogwash in every way. Who and how are they going to be able to discern the difference between the health effects of smoking tobacco vs pot on the lungs? How are they going to determine the health implications being directly as a result of pot versus the typical unhealthy lifestyle, tobacco, alcohol, etc?? "ABSOLUTE NUMBERS" Come on, man. 🤦‍♂️
  20. It's a supply vs demand issue. Locals are the suppliers of the demands of the visitors. Stop the supply and the demand dries up.
  21. I live very close to an elementary school. Most of the time it sounds like a prison riot. At other times, there are events going on whereby the teachers or other adults are singing (very poorly) to the students over very loud speakers... like it's karaoke or something. 🤦‍♂️ When school lets out, the parking lot is full of vendors selling nothing but candy, ungodly sweet drinks, and junk food. Occasionally, the students are in class. Most often, you can hear them chanting rote rehearsal style. That's not the way forward. These poor kids haven't got a chance for a proper education and it's the adults in charge who have set it up like this.
  22. Whatever happened to the good old days when if two men fought, they fought man-on-man with no weapons. Using a weapon is cowardly.
  23. Um, you don't have to join forces to figure out how to make food higher quality. it's all online. Common sense goes a long way too. Hmm, on second thought, maybe they do need help.
  24. Nailed it! I honestly can't think of anything other than the 10K handout that is directed toward regular folks... and we all know the underlying reason why he wants to give away other people's money. 💰💰
  25. I'm still waiting for him to have one good or even realistic idea. He has recently pushed the commencement of the destruction of the Heroines' Monument in Phuket, which is the most important intersection on the island WITHOUT any apparent plan to have an alternate route. The result is an absolute tourism and commercial transportation NIGHTMARE! I've never seen traffic backed up as much as it is over the last few days. It will only get worse. I guess they could do the work at night, but that makes too much sense... no, let's do it when everyone needs to travel. Big buses and trucks are using all of the lanes and changing lanes constantly. the cops could force them to stay in the left lane to make traffic flow smoother, but there's not a cop in sight and they probably wouldn't do anything useful if they were. They'd find some way of making it worse. This is all to put in an underpass, instead of a more logical and quicker-to-construct, overpass. It's "scheduled" to run through 2026. I'm not a betting man, but I've got huge money on it taking much, much longer. In the meantime, Phuket life has been altered severely.
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