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Everything posted by Galong

  1. I did a bunch of facial scans and every time it seemed like it would pass, but then got a message to do it again. I changed the lighting and did everything I could think of and nothing worked. A message to do a video chat came up so I clicked on that. Everything was completed in about a minute. I was able to sign into my IRS account very soon after that.
  2. "pay Thai tax like Thais" ?? Out of all of my Thai friends and associates, I only know a couple who actually pay taxes. The others certainly make enough to owe taxes, but have zero interest in doing so and also have zero fear of any consequences. This is Thailand. This is how stuff works. This new tax scheme is, in reality, designed to milk money from foreigners under the guise that there is inequality in Thailand. Those who came up with this scheme are from the elite families that cause the inequality. The hypocrisy meter is spinning and starting to smoke.
  3. I still get them, but they're delayed more than usual.
  4. This is pure speculation. As a court case, you wouldn't have an argument other than "he's the boss, so he's responsible for everything" 🤦‍♂️ So, you're sure he had a "long-planned coup"? This again, would be an assumption or speculation.
  5. Sorry, not any evidence that this was linked to Prayuth. There are plenty of people who could be responsible.
  6. Yep, I registered ID.me using my AIS Thai phone, which is registered in my name. They didn't ask for proof of that, but I have it in case they ever do. My two US banks, Schwalb and Capital One allow me either my Thai number OR my Skype (VOIP) for codes. If they stop allowing VOIP, I hope they still allow my Thai number. They should. As a backup to that backup, I made both accounts joint with my brother, so if it ever comes to that, they can send the code to his US mobile number and he can tell it to me. Geez, you'd think as the world supposedly becomes more open and free, banks and verification systems would realize and accept that not everyone stays where they were born. We're not looking to do anything illegal, that happens in-country enough already. We're just trying to do what you guys want and to do it by-the-book... nothing nefarious. 🤷‍♂️
  7. If you're serious, name ONE political opponent that suffered such a fate, please.
  8. I have a regular BKK Bank account with an ATM card and a Direct Deposit account that is dedicated to US Social Security monthly deposits. When I set it up three years ago I was expecting that I would have to personally go in to move to take money out, but I can do it online. If they change this in the future, I hope they give me a bit of notice... I wouldn't be surprised if they don't. 🤦‍♂️ I do yearly SSA Form 7162 "Proof of Life" submission. That should be coming in anytime now.
  9. But he didn't try to tax expats and retirees, so there's that. 😉🤔
  10. It looks like the site is down, see https://www.isitdownrightnow.com/ssa.gov.html
  11. Did you set up a different 2FA? You could try that. It shouldn't make a difference, but perhaps trying a different browser might help. I've run into this before and did these two things. Let us know what works for you if/when you get it sorted. Good luck. 🤞🤞
  12. To those of us here and to those outside who are paying attention, everything he does could easily be seen as turning Thailand into a 'handout' society. I see nothing he's done or proposing that enhances the Thai work force to improve. He's done nothing that I've read to improve the educational system in the kingdom. It's all been pipe dreams and talk of more hubs. 🤦‍♂️ Bring back Prayuth. His ineptness was somewhat harmless and it would be refreshing to have him back.
  13. My only two experiences have been flawless. I couldn't get the facial scan to accept me, but after several attempts, I just clicked on the video verification. I had to wait about two minutes.
  14. Success! I used my ID.me to sign into my IRS account.
  15. It's cute how they're claiming this isn't targeted at expats, yet none of my Thai friends know anything about this new enforcement or care because they know they're not going to be affected. Also, it's pretty rich having the elite preach about inequality in the kingdom when they are the cause of it. 🤦‍♂️
  16. Has anyone else created an IRS account using ID.me? My ID.me account has my Thai address and Thai phone number associated with it. It didn't matter with the My Soc Sec site. To create an IRS account, I read to go through the ID.me site. I did all of that and am now at the 'wait for a verification' email. The last time (when I originally signed up for ID.me) the email came quite quickly. This time it's much slower. How long have you guys waited for your confirmation email previously?
  17. I'm not sure if that's Uncle Sam or Uncle Somchai in your case. 🤔 I have a Direct Deposit account with BKK Bank and just shifted some money around online today.
  18. Yes, ALL energy should be spent going after the REAL criminals instead of us working stiffs. Casting a net over the ocean to catch a certain few fish is both insane and the certain fish have been warned and are probably taking measures to avoid the net.
  19. That's an interesting/useful site. Thanks for sharing it. 👍
  20. Both parties and the entire system (Military Industrial Complex) depend on war. Changing 'regimes' will do nothing. And, it looks like we're stuck with Genocide Joe or Putin's Puppet in the near future. 🤦‍♂️
  21. O I will stay and find legal loopholes just like the folks it was supposedly designed to catch will do.
  22. Yes, I believe that is the actual culprit in many cases. My US Soc Sec was sent out from 'Murica on time, but took more than a day to show up here. Me thinks the fluctuating exchange rate was being taken advantage of on this end. 🤷‍♂️
  23. Plan B would be to train Thais to do the job. Oh wait, that would mean a revamping of the education system, resulting in a smarter voter. Politicians don't want that.
  24. @Pib Did login.gov accept a Thai address? From what I've read it requires a US address and telephone, that's why I opted for ID.me, which was dead easy to setup. I have Google Authenticator on my Thai phone. I'll keep this in mind if somehow ID.me goes on the blink.
  25. Yeah, shockingly straight-forward and quick. I've never done anything connected to government stuff this quickly. It was so quick, that I went back and double-checked the URLs and emails to make sure they looked 100% valid. 😆 I just got back from my daily long bike ride and signed in using ID.me 'Twas a piece of cake. Thanks again for your help with all of this. 🙏
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