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Posts posted by bingobongo

  1. the economy is doing well, nothing to see here except rainbows and unicorns

    who cares as long as there is som tham and rambutan and sunshine.............

    :D Colliers International Thailand's managing director Patima Jeerapaet said demand for office space, serviced apartments and retail space had fallen significantly in the current quarter because US and European multinationals were beginning to suspend business expansion around the world, including that in Thailand. :o


  2. first they said 2008, now they skip 2009 and 2010 all togther

    oh why hath thou forsaken the bagholders ye real estate realtors/builders/bankers.......

    Merry Christmas

    Property market recovery in 2011

    :o The company's research shows that transactions have fallen in all property segments in the current quarter, some of them significantly, others slightly. This is a sign that the property market may fall by 10 to 20 per cent next year, the steepest tumฌble since the financial crisis in 1997, she said. :D

    :D "Demand for downtown condominiums, especially luxury condoฌminiums, has fallen significantly, from both domestic and foreign buyers, in the last quarter of 2008," she said. :D


  3. is this a surprise? maybe to those who couldn't manage their way out of a paper bag

    soon it will it be time to short the baht and the SET (again)

    Merry Christmas

    Thai Exports Shrink Most in 17 Years on Global Slump

    Global trade will shrink in 2009 for the first time in more than 25 years and Thailand’s economy may expand at the slowest pace in more than a decade, the World Bank predicts.


  4. hi bendix

    you wouldnt know an asset from your own arse

    anyway, if things are so peachy why the need for incentives? (that was rhetorical), if these fools think that it will pick up in the second half, i suggest they get out of the sun

    Developers urge the govt to double tax allowances for home-buyers

    :oDemand for residential projects this quarter has shrunk by more than half from the same period last year. This trend is expected to continue until the first half of next year. :D


  5. get ready kiddies.....that is a real pretty "death cross"...............tick tick tick to the brits, pain is coming to the island as well as to the expats in LOS paid in Sterling

    DEATH CROSS: A crossover resulting from a long-term moving average breaking above its short-term moving average or support level.

    As long-term indicators carry more weight, this trend indicates a bear market on the horizon and is reinforced by high trading volumes. Additionally, the long-term moving average becomes the new resistance level in the rising market.

    US Dollar to Sterling


  6. arbitrage anyone?

    making money is easy, but for most holding on to it will be futile........the stupid deserve to be separated from their money

    The pound is suffering its worst slide since Britain was forced off the gold standard in 1931.

    :oIf the pound's fall triggers an exodus of investors from the financial sector, he said, the UK could find itself in a similar position to Thailand, which had to submit to the IMF after the baht collapsed in 1997. :D


  7. not really a surprise, except for those in deep denial, deep in debt, or just deeply delusional

    but in typical LOS stupidity, they keep building.......genius, pure genius

    enjoy.........i know i am

    Developers cut back revenue forecasts

    Buyer sentiment worsens as economic crisis, political strife hit spending power

    :o Most of Thailand's property developers have revised their 2008 revenue forecasts downwards in the face of a depressed market that began to slide into difficulty several months ago. :D


  8. come on bendix, is that the best you have? i'm not impressed, i called the SET bust and the housing weakness for more than 2 years, come back when your acumen is as good as your pontificating (which are obviously not correlated except to your own ego)

    glyph (aka whatever you call yourself), you are an amusing little fellow, but your frustration in your posts is quite entertaining

    anyway, like a bargirls looks over 25, equity is fading............

    Home prices widely expected to fall in 2009

    :o Moreover, property developers can be expected to boost their sales next year by reducing prices, after they see falling sales in the final quarฌter of 2008. As a result of all these facฌtors Supalai expects lower residential prices in 2009, Prateep said :D

    :D According to the Real Estate Information Centre (REIC), new houses registered around the country in the third quarter of this year numbered only 113 projects or 17,000 units - a drop of 25 per cent and 13 per cent respectively from the third quarter of 2007. Of these, 82 projects with a total of 14,000 new homes were registered in Bangkok and its suburbs - a drop of 9 per cent in terms of projects and 1 per cent in terms of units over the corresponding period of last year. :D

    :D Meanwhile, 284 projects with 42,000 new homes were registered a round the country in the first nine months of 2008 - falling by 25 per cent and 11 per cent respectively from the first nine months of last year. :wai:


  9. come on bagholders (aka homedebtors), dont cast dispersions at me becasue you cant manage your way out of a paper bag let alone your finances, come on bendix i know you have the urge to pontificate, too bad it has no value

    so lets see:

    oversupply - check

    baht too stong - check

    tourism down - check

    exports down -check

    SET 50% off -check

    todays lesson is again the word CAPITAL TRAP: a misallocation of resources in a decling market

    Property market could shrivel 10-20 per cent next year

    :o Preuksa Real Estate president and CEO Thongma Vijitpongpun said the developer estimates that demand in greater Bangkok will drop 20 per cent from 56,000 units this year to 40,000 units next year. :D

    :D Meanwhile, office space is moving towards oversupply with nearly 600,000 square meters of new office space to be completed next year, including 400,000 square meters for the new Government Centre office. :D


  10. Rubish!

    The only places in Thailand that are feeling the pinch are busineses that are foreign dollar dependant.

    In the country side it's busines as usual, ask anyone and they will respond..."what credit crisis?"

    It's only the speculative "get the money off Falang" type busineses that are failing.

    Thailand is largely immune to the global finacial crisis.

    your stupidity knows no bounds

    SET is 50% lower

    Exports are falling

    Layoffs increasing

    Property Market struggling

    Tourism skidding

    so if you forget about the above, and live in a hut in the jungle, then yes, LOS is not affected by the global financial crisis

  11. the current situation is like a clogged toilet

    money (liquid) is being pumped in to move the clog

    once the clog is removed there will be a lot of liquid

    another term for this is inflation

    inflation is what drives countries forward

    major countries of the G7 are now printing money (liquid) as fast as they can

    get ready for inflation

    buy half price stocks now and enjoy the ride up.

    the sky is not falling

    agreed I have been catching falling knives in the last month and takes guts but you got to buy when others are fearful! it will pay off handsomely in next 5-10 yrs

    thats the difference between those with money and those wihout, some use "guts" and others use their "brains"

    congratulations, spoken like a true amateur (aka bagholder), so basically, your money is dead money for 5 to 10 years? pure genius, pure genius

    today's lesson is the word: CAPITAL TRAP = a misallocation of resources in a declining market

    example: zorro1 invested in a capital trap and will not see positive returns net inflation for a decade

  12. Since you don't have any experience with either real estate ownership, or bargirls, I'm not sure your advice is worth anything.

    glyph you linger like a bad stink, but i am flattered that you rebut most of my comments

    anyway to your 3 points above:

    1) your right, i am smart enough not to invest in the 3rd world, and unless you own the property free and clear with deed in hand you are just renting from the bank and are a "homedebtor" and not a "homeowner" and thus stuck with a "capital trap"

    2) you are right, i have no experience with bargirls as i never have and never will have to pay for sex

    3) check out the "global correction" thread i started, i called the fall of the SET all the way from 725 to 400, so my advice was worth it to those who got their heads out of the sand

    so to sum up glyph, you "rent" both your propery and women and ultimately have nothing, unlike myself, any questions?

  13. come on carib and bendix, your defense smells of desperation and not competence

    i do in fact have a vested interest in LOS, as I have shorted the SET and am short the baht, unlike you, i have no emotional connection to LOS only monetary, and i will continue to make money as LOS continues to destroy itself

    i get the distinct impression neither of you would do well in the first world (financially or personally), hence you defend the 3rd world?

  14. glyph, you wouldnt know an asset from your own arse

    anyway, not condo specific per se, but I am sure you get the point......or maybe not

    Thai protest ends, but not the economy's problems

    :o Top industrial estate developer Amata Corp AMAT.BK said this week it had cut its 2008 land sales forecast by 33 percent and would cut land prices next year to try to win back customers. :D


  15. so China has a functioning airport(s), a functioning government, a stronger economy and is feeling the pain in real estate

    whereas LOS has none of the above and will be immune? what ever hallucinogens the bahholders are taking, i suggest you either up the dosage or quit cold turkey

    China Property Slump Threatens Global Economy as Growth Slows

    :o House prices in Shanghai, Shenzhen and Guangzhou are plunging, and the global economy may grind almost to a halt next year because of it. :D

    "The real estate sector has seen a particularly pronounced slowdown," said a senior economist at the World Bank in Beijing. "Real estate investment growth is now close to zero."


  16. Anyone notice Bernankes`s statement, he has pratically admitted that the fed is now buying the long end of the curve, that monster rally in the 30yr T-bills is pretty much imo the fed buying its own debt to keep long term rates down, the fed is a bunch of amatuers, and i dont foresee anything other than a dis-location of the US bond market

    you simply can not buy your own debt for ever and expect the world to accept it.

    so the fed is printing dollars to buy the 30yr bills to try and keep control of longe term debt artificially trying to keep down mortgage rates

    The rally in the US dollar is most certainly winding of hedge funds, you only need to watch the Yen/$ to see what happens when the yen rallies, the T-note auctions will be fun, now we really get to see whose is capable of buying US bebt, and i expect it now to be a failure.

    the insane move in the 30yr is most likley a short covering spike and many now feel that is he next bubble to pop

    buyers strike yesterday in equities low volume trading for thanking giving a a serious dump and heavy volume and the market bredth was fugly, alot folks wanted out yesterday

    anyone noticed the $tnx now thats scary flight to safety with rates likely going below 2% soon and $irx likely going to negative rates soon.

    people are that scared that they are willing to get virtually 0% and locked their money in 3 month bills just so they can keep it

    once in a lifetime meltdown we are witnessing.

    good point nouf, the name of the game now is CAPITAL PRESERVATION and no longer RETURN ON CAPITAL

    but if bubble boy Bernake lowers fed fund rate to 0% then money market funds will actually lose money for the investor due to maintenance fees etc., which would then cause a run on those same money market funds thereby further tightening the credit screws

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