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Posts posted by bingobongo

  1. blimey,

    what is a sexpat to do, bangers and mash, fish and chips, guiness or bar girl (but not all)

    - GBP/USD down around -25.07% ytd - worst performance vs. USD among G10 currencies. EUR/GBP down 15%, JPY/GBP down 33%

    - A sterling crisis would be preceded by a sharp decline in sterling bilateral and effective spot exchange rates and sharply higher interest rates on sterling securities, reflecting expectations of future further currency depreciation. As the incipient crisis become more likely/moves closer, depreciation of the currency would accelerate.

  2. delusion is not based in reality..........come back to reality pkrv

    anyway.....it says that despite drop in sales, prices have climbed 6.8%, but with inflation running at 10%+, that is actually a loss in real terms...........and with the BOT about to start cutting rates, and the baht to devalue that will more than knock out the 6.8% phantom price increase.....enjoy bagholders


    Substantial drop in condo construction and sales during the third quarter

    There has been a substantial drop in the number of condominium units being built and sold in Bangkok.

    :o As well as the drop in units under offer, the number of units sold in the third quarฌter was 32.2 per cent down on sales in the first quarter of this year. :D


  3. glyph glyph glyph, you silly wonk

    just becasue you are too lazy (or too deep in denial) to manage your finances on a regular basis (by the "long term investing" comment you made) don't hate the rest of us for beforehand seeing the mess that has come to pass

    i think you missed class, so i will post this again, i know where you are on this curve and it begis with the letter "D". notice the phrase in the upper right corner as well " Temporary setback - I'm a long term investor", sounds just like you doesnt it glyph? good luck, you are going to need it


  4. the denial among bagholders on this thread never ceases to amaze.......so what is the solution? to build more of course

    Thai Land & Houses Q3 net profit falls, below f'casts

    Thailand's biggest housing firm, Land & Houses LH.BK, reported a larger-than-expected 27 percent fall in third quarter earnings on Friday due to weaker sales in a slowing domestic economy


  5. uh oh, here it comes, looks like we may have a death cross, IF the blue line crosses below the red line and STAYS (when the short term MA moves below the longer term MA), you were warned, even greater pain is coming and yes that includes LOS..............you were warned...........again

    don't hate me because some of you have emotional attachment to your depreciating stocks, hate yourself for not selling/going short


  6. i only have a few words of wisdom........are you ready

    1) condos in LOS are like bargirls, they age quickly, lack substance, and are difficult to get rid of once the initial excitement wears off

    2) emotions are best left for sad movies and dealing with children, not when it comes to dealing with money/investments

    3) why is that many fools will overpay for stocks (like now) and real estate (like now) and yet look for bargains when it comes to buying food and the necessities of life when it should be the opposite? because people get emotional about the new condo/stocks and not about food, and these same fools will CONSISTENTLY make the wrong choice......good luck bagholders, you will need it

    asian stocks and real estate will soon be at lower levels you cant even have possibly imagined, but then again some of you never thought the SET would go from 800 to 400 did you?

  7. delusion truly is amazing, so despite the skidding economy and a nonfunctioning gvt, and oversupply, some folks think LOS is still a great place to park the dough?

    i add this for comparative purposes, Hong Kong more dynamic and feeling pain, LOS has som tham and sexpats and immune? your dreaming

    Hong Kong Real Estate: Biggest Home Sales Drop Since 1999

    Hong Kong's home sales fell 58% y/y in volume and 63% in price in October (2008) as local lenders tightened mortgage lending amid a slowdown in the economy - this is the largest drop since 1999 and the fourth consecutive monthly decline. Bank lending rose 13% in September, the slowest in over a year, and almost half the 24% increase in August. Office rents in Hong Kong may experience a 20% drop by the end of 2009.

  8. glyph you are a simple sod, but thats ok


    Property firms bite bitter pill

    Third quarter results likely to trail second quarter as buyers defer decision

    Property firms will face hard times in the last quarter of this year as homebuyers may delay their decision to invest in residential projects beginning in the third quarter, according to research by Asia Plus Securities.


  9. of course it won't crash, because LOS is special, filled with unicorns and rainbows

    i wonder if these are the same folks who thought the SET would not lose 50%

    so lets recap......

    Government in chaos - check

    Economy skidding - check

    Oversupply - check

    BOT about to cut rates to devalue the baht so any farang schmuck who buys now will lose his pittance in nonexsiting appreciation via the baht sinking - check

    funny, they said the same that London, NYC, Madrid, Moscow, and Beijing were also immune to tumbling prices, no there won't be a crash in LOS, but an even worse grinding down of prices over many years as folks try to catch the falling knife

    Thai property market slows but won't crash

    Indeed, prices of luxury homes in Thailand - which were popular with affluent foreigners - look set to fall. But while demand and prices are likely to slip, analysts and property experts based in the country say they do not expect the market to crash.


  10. funny how when prices are going up they say its a great time to buy, and when proces are going down its also a great time to buy.........

    Residential prices may drop in 2009

    Prices for residential properties in Thailand could fall in 2009, due to a combination of falling construction material costs and a slowing in demand, according to some developers.


  11. well, reality finally meets fantasy..........

    credit crunch - check

    oversupply - check

    gvt on verge of collapse - check

    local economy disintegrating - check


    Capital faces oversupply of condo units

    Falling demand leaves developers with a large inventory of unsold units


    Sounds like a great time to buy!

    let me guess, you actually think LOS has a future because your family lives there? dont mix emotion with investing

    sure, buying now would be PURE GENIUS..........ever hear the old adage trying to catch a falling kife.....here is a visual for you, please let me know when the gvt collapses, never mind it will be on BBC or CNN with a live feed once the bombs/tear gas/violence erupts again


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