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Posts posted by bingobongo

  1. if you think the #s will have improved for July, August, September........i suggest you put down the yaba and get out of the sun, good luck bagholders

    numbers are as of June 2008, and given that inflation has worsened, and overbuilding continues, and the LOS government is again about to collapse, the #s will be worse

    courtesy of thaicrisis.com blog

    "The total amount of land transactions fell 41 % in june, compared to june 2007, at 32,69 billions THB versus 56,28 billions."



  2. it appears some form of the bailout package will be voted on today (Sunday) and with Q3 ending on Tuesday, fund managers will prop up the market as they try to appear somewhat competent (which they are not), so could have big rally on Monday (tomorrow)

    regardless, this bailout package will have only short term impact, unless the DOW clears 12,197 (200 DMA) the trend is still down

    sell on the bounces

  3. sorry kids, but nowhere does it mention nomura is buying the MORTGAGE or REAL ESTATE assets or discounted bad debt, they are ONLY buying the equity and I-bank arms, they are not taking the bad real estate debt......oh well , i guess someone had to bring the thread back to reality, and where is the mention of the purchase of Thailand assets specifically? uh.....that would be nowhere

    :D The deal, which sources close to Nomura told The Times was signed earlier today, pips Barclays to the post and will put the Japanese bank in control of Lehman's extensive equity business and investment banking operations. :D


    :o A Nomura spokesman in Tokyo specifies that the Japanese bank will buy "the human resources and IT platforms of the operation in Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Singapore and South Korea". Significantly, Nomura is not buying either the trading assets or the trading liabilities :D


  4. interesting they said the same about (that everything was ok) IndyMac and Washington Mutual.........

    for those who think Asia is immune, you truly are dumber than you think..........its coming..........and yes, LOS will take it on the chin like a bar girl after servicing a farang on the little blue pill..............

    the current global derivative market exposure is $47 TRILLION, good luck

    Hong Kong Savers Line Up as Bank of East Asia Rebuffs Rumors

    :o The bank's image was tarnished on Sept. 18 as it reduced its first-half profit by HK$109 million because of ``manipulation'' of the valuation on equity derivatives it holds. :D


  5. "Meanwhile, The Wall Street Journal reported that automakers, student lenders and others are lobbying to get their troubled assets included in the Treasury bank asset plan." :o

    ...others....? maybe Bingo and Vic are working hard to get their loans included as well ? Hmmmm...I'm considering to put mine on the list as well :D

    What a world....



    sorry Lao, no loans for me, 100% assets and no liabilities, excpet for my many short positions which i have no need to close

  6. thats fantastic news.................if baht goes to 25 per $

    1) LOS export dependent economy will get crushed even more

    2) oil prices (which are denominated in $US) in LOS (which is oil import dependent) will skyrocket as evidenced by yesterdays $16/barrel rise, thereby casuing LOS inflation to skyrocket, thereby perhaps the BOT raises rates or risk further inflation pain

    3) LOS tourism will go down faster than it already has due to less affordability.

  7. the plan proposed by Paulson will only lead to a short term bounce, and i agree with AlexLah, great pain is coming to global bourses........the proposed $1 trillion fund intended to fund this bailout compared to the $45 trillion debt market and the even larger derivatives time bomb.

    it wont have any substantial impact except for being highly inflationary and making foreign governments decide to longer buy US debt thereby ramping up interest rates

    and yes LOS will feel the pain as well

    strap in

  8. russians arent going to buy anything as they are having their own financial problems (as the creidt markets are freezing globally), besides why buy in a 3rd world SE country with policital crisis when there are 150+ other countries to choose from......................

    buy hard assets that people can use (gold, silver, oil) not overpriced, overbuilt poorly constructed LOS capital traps

    Russian market woes not all over - Troika banker


  9. So the DOW rallies some 700+ points in the last two days.........hmmm.......3 things stand out:

    1) announcement by Paulson was made the day before triple witching, coincindence? hardly (3rd Friday of the last options expiration for the quarter) on options expiration, which allows institutional investors to recoup losses on derivative positions that would have otherwise expired worthless or with heavy losses

    2) Congress adjourns prior to the Nov 4 election thereby not allowing anytime (say 4 weeks at most) for this proposed new bailout organization to be voted and set in place prior to the new administration in January 2009 (whereby Paulson will no longer be around)

    Note Senator Dodd statement "There is not enough time left in the congressional session for U.S. lawmakers to consider setting up a Resolution Trust Corp-type fund to buy up toxic mortgage assets."

    3) Majority of buying in the last 2 days was the result of short covering and not infusion of new capital by the average Joe into the stock market

    Conclusion: this rally will run out of steam, the down trend is still in tact........get ready

  10. well, 10,700 on the DOW was broken today (Sept 17) and if it doesn't rebound and get back over 10,700 quickly, next leg is down as there is no support until 10,300

    strap in

    well, there is the hard bounce back over 10,700 I mentioned, due primarily to short covering in response to Paulson's mention of facility for bad debts.......lets see if it holds, 10,700 is still the line that needs to be held or down she goes to 10,300





  11. i posted this over two years ago on another thread but i am going to post it again, it applies to investments and emotions

    emotions and money do not go well together (save emotions for sad movies and family occasions)

    some of you are in different stages of the cycle whether it be due to ego, stupidity, conflict of interest or rational thought, but whichever, the outcome is going to be the same................Lehman is the tip of the iceberg, and yes LOS will also take it on the chin


  12. the stupid will be seperated from their money........oh well..........good luck bagholders, some of you are going to need it :D

    Lehman was a major Bangkok landlord

    :D The company also is a financier and investor in several listed property developers, including Raimon Land Plc, Grande Asset Hotels and Property, and Ascon Construction. :D

    :o In any case, Mr Krisada said the impact on the Bangkok property market could be substantial if the US bankruptcy court forces a liquidation of assets. :D


  13. uh oh LaoPo, looks like China is starting to choke on all that $ denominated debt they purchased to keep rates artifically low........so as the $ goes, so does China.........maybe your forturne teller can enlighten you

    so even if the $ disintegrates, asia will still feel the pain, i suggest aneconomics class would do you some good

    China cuts lending rates in surprise move

    :o twin moves designed to help shore up confidence in its stock and real estate markets. :D


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