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Posts posted by DirkGently

  1. opening new threads seems ok to me. As with any 'conversation' people come and go with new points and many people will only view the most up to date threads.

    If new threads are a no-no then there is sure to be a new batch about songkran.

    As for youtube, what gives?

    I was on it last night. And what is this new sign? Its not the normal banned site page.

  2. I don't think it's an IQ issue. There was a study done (I think it's called the Bell Curve) and it shows that SE Asians score more than Caucasions. If you look into it there some interesting observations of the people at the bottom end.

    My take on it is that Thais simply can not see the effects of their actions. Couple that with the fact they are rarely, if ever, made to face up to problems they cause, you have a recipe for the chaos commented on in this thread.

    Let's face it. They may have the trappings of the modern world but their mentality remains under a tree in a field, as all the luxuary has sprung up over the last couple of generations.

  3. As for refusing and 'getting away with it', I took my neices to a science park in Bangkok and ignored the 'alien' price and placed down the price for 3 Thais (the regular price). When the girl at the till asked for the extra I just pointed at the girls and said "I'm helping to educate Thai children" and said to the kids "let's go then kids". Something was said to the security guard, but he stepped back as I smiled and bustled the kids past him.

  4. Phew! I am sure glad that big brother Tony is puuting his able body and nimble mind to a good cause, like shouting on a street corner at disinterested farangs and Thai girls who dont understand a word. MUUUUCH better than wasting time by helping people, getting his hands dirty or helping sex workers in a non-judgemental way. I would have some respect for these guys if they did something good for people and didnt say a word about god.

    I have met the likes of these guys before and find them nice on the outside but with something deeply wrong on the inside. I think its guilt. In the same way most people on death row 'find jesus'. Maybe delusion beats guilt.

    But when all is said and done not one of us will find the answer till we die. If god doesnt let me as the person I am, then to hel_l with him.

    Tony stop wasting your time and do something real useful. If you walked from Nana to Cowboy you would have had to step over those poor begger kids. Did you stop? Did you help? Did you offer them a clean bed and a place to stay?

    The human race will not progress if we cling to this nonsense.

  5. The OP is bang on the money. Pattaya is a disgusting hole that the law has forgotten.

    I do visit twice a year, for reasons I do not care to share, and I am driven to think that Thais must belive that western society is full of dirty individuals with gin blossoms, a morning cough, yellow fingers and weight problem.

    How anybody can live there is beyond me. Bad traffic and EVERY Thai there sees every farang as dirt.

    It may be fine to screw your head off, but to live...............

  6. Now there was here one hub that Thais managed. One of self delusion, stupidity and inflated self worth. The Elite card was ALWAYS a laugh but they pushed it and ended up giving them away to mates and Japanese that could afford the golf anyway.

    If proof Thaksin and his pals were there to line their own pockets were needed then this was it.

  7. Faith and blind hope are the same.

    I suggest you concern yourself with this world more than the next.

    (GoD) Although there there isn't one, will be fuming that you spent your time thinking of the rewards you will (or won't) get in the next life just because you did what you were told to do by a man that spoke in his name.

    Move on.

  8. Go to MBK. Places there will whip up anything you can imagine. Don't be cheap. Get multi colour plastic affairs and they impress on the minds of people you meet. I have lost count of how many times I have handed my card to people and they have commented on the quality.

    Something that looks nice in your wallet will remain in there wallet a lot longer that a paper card.

  9. Holy mother of Jesus and all the donkeys! You guys have TOO much money or don't know how to spend it.

    Invest in large free standing fans and mozzie screens and watch your bills go south like Newtons apple.

    My electrickery bills are a fraction of yours and we never suffer from the nose and throat complaints of air-con addicts.

    Turn EVERYTHING off when not in use and you will save a bundle and thats before we get into the global warming debate. I even unplug my phone charger when not in use.

  10. I have just seen the 'beggergate' video and would like to change my stance.

    I too have met hard times.

    I arrived here in BKK with high hopes, but fate has been crule to me. My story started when I met a foul harlet that leached my money away at 150 baht a time and all I received was a mere sip of liquid. As time wore on I found it hard to put a roof over my head. I was forced to stay with strange girls in dank hotels. Even they wanted me out after just a couple of hours.

    When my money was gone I took to the streets. Often I was only welcome on plastic chairs along Sukhumvit road until the early hours before I was forced on, into the night.

    If you could help I would be grateful. Please send money to me and my African pals at the bank of Nigeria.

    Account no. 696969scam-2007con.


  11. This topic has been done and usually gets cut off by the mods. So I'll get my boot in before it does.

    This guy is a fake. No! I am not being mean or lack compassion. I lack the ability for someone to take the pi$$ out of me.

    I saw this guy for the first time at least 2 and a half years ago. When I related his story a Thai friend she said that she had seen him 6 months before then.

    HHHHMMM! A clean, well dressed, well fed farang with a clean bag and, it would seem, a endless supply of yellow plastic and marker pens STILL needs help. Rubbish! My guess he lives out in the far reaches of Bangkok and 'commutes' to his 'office' to tap up a few soft farangs and some well meaning Thais.

    He could teach Dutch, offer to paint farang houses or anything else. after all needs are the mother of all invention.

    He should be bundled away by the police.

  12. The rise of Pol-Pot and his merry men was a disaster, but it was borne from a political ideal. Islam is a hotch potch of ideals that contradict eachother. For example: All muslims are brothers. Yet they kill eachother at an astounding rate.

    I feel they are different. One was a failed political ideal and the other is a twisted cult. I shall allow you to decide which is which.

    The only thing they share is the death of innocent people.

  13. I have to do a visa run sometime soon and want to know if anybody has bought smokes in Poipet. I remember the last time I visited there were piles of boxes of Marlboros.

    They can't all be fake, can they? Anybody tried them?

  14. While playing with i-photo I loaded up several hundred photos before noticing that there seems to be no delete button. Surely I am not expected to delete each picture one at a time by highlighting and pressing delete.

    I found no mention on the Apple site or on the help files.

    Any advice would be welcome.

  15. One point that has been missed is the fact that had he been caught in Dubai he would have been in hotter water. There was a woman held in one of the sandy countries for having a banned painkiller in her urine that was taken outside of that country.

    Please go back to argueing the toss over drugs/dealing/trafficking. It seems that those with some of the strongest views on how it was done have never even seen an E.

  16. I'm glad it's not just me that sees this everywhere in Thailand. First off I think the cheating culture is the root cause. I'm sure that when Thais discovered 'cut and paste' their grades must have shot up.

    My girlfriend attends university and is constantly moaning about the other members of her team. They are more than happy to sit back and let one dilligent member do the work and just hand in the same. Her friends come over to 'help' with projects. This help consists of sitting there as my gf does the work and then plugging in their USB's

    The second flaw, as I see it, is that the school materials are rubbish. Especially the English ones. A worried neighbour once asked for some help as her grammar homework was confusing her. It was a book of multiple choice (where would they be without multiple choice) and page after page after page was full of errors. In many cases there was NO right answer. Just gibberish. How can you learn from that?

    I do pity them in many ways. It must be a huge shock when they attend a university somewhere in the real world.

  17. some people may suggest posting home a large number of smokes to a Bob Smith at your address, but not me.

    I once heard that the better fake designer bags and things sell well amongst teenage girls.....so I heard.

    A friend of a friend told me that people will pay well for snake/croc/ray skin belts/wallets key fobs etc. very well indeed.

    im sure it can be done, after all if the U.K is full of drugs, guns and bush meat brought in by shifty foreigners then i know......er...guess it can be done.

    the idea of fake pantip stuff is pointless. it can all be downloaded by the type of people who would buy a fake. the penality for fake microsoft is much more severe than a few smokes for your mates or a belt for your dad.

  18. Is there a discount for taking it home in a plastic bag on the bars of my bike?

    540,000. Well really.

    In the minds of the elite, it is a way of bringing quality tourists to Thailand. Their deluded minds can sit back and watch as the ruby money goes to Holland (or some other gem stone controlling country). The Martini money goes to California and the fine crystal money goes to France (or wherever) and the staff get a small tip.


    They wish to turn away backpackers that place money into the hands of small Thai hotels/taxis/tour guides etc, in favour of big money spent in foreign owned places. I would like to know how much of the recent 'mega meal' landed in the hands of the average Thai.

  19. It is interesting to hear what woman want. At the end of the day I want a Porche 911, but I can't have one. However, I am happy with what I have. A lot like life.

    How does this sound?

    I drink quite a lot, but wait till my better half is not around. Her family and kids have never seen me with more than a couple of drinks under my belt.

    I do most of the cooking and cleaning as I like things done a certain way. On the flip side I am aware we own a washing machine and an iron, but I dont intend to ever use them.

    I work hard yet try and find time to listen and comment on whatever she says, even when I have no idea what she is talking about.

    The rent and bills are paid far in advance to take care of any lean months. However, I won't do without my gadgets and golf trips.

    I have never slept in a bed that she didnt also share, apart from the time I passed out at a pals house and was found on the balcony.

    I prefer the humour of good TV and movies, but try and 'get' the purile comedy on Thai tv.

    When her friends or family come over I make them welcome and then find something to do in another room. They understand I am a private person.

    I am easy to keep happy. Feed me, love me and f....find ways to keep me happy.

    In exchange I go out of my way to give her the things she likes. She likes salmon and through a contact of mine the freezer is full of the best. At one hel_l of a price too.

    I am a million miles from perfect, but what can anyone do?

    Like anyone, I would like a millionaire model, but I am very happy with what I have and won't do anything to screw it up.

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