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Posts posted by DirkGently

  1. What you have to remember is this! Nothing on Any internet forum Anywhere means Anything.

    If someone gets called a monkey humping bishop beater, it means nothing.

    If someone posts something about all Thai women being bar girls, so what.

    Nobody has ever changed their opinion on anything just because they were contradicted on a forum.

    As for my point here, its worthless. Not one person that has read this now feels any differently about this forum.

  2. As Richard Pryer once said "who are you going to belive? Me! or your own ###### lying eyes?"

    When I was younger I consumed a heroic amount of LSD and I 'saw' many things. From being followed home by two victorian gentleman to a man in a petrol station that had a lions head.

    Of course they were not there, but i saw them. It is all about what your mind perceives. If anybody was to sit in a grave yard at night they would glimpse trees that move or the cry of animal as something else.

  3. Chanchao! I really want to take this question. How can the wealthy, powerful, worshiped officials who control massive wealth and have until recently enjoyed being above the law possiblely wish to push an outdated fantasy on to poor and uneducated people to ensure they remain where they are? The answer is, i have no idea.

    However, one thing is certain and that is using the fear brought about by hocus pocus has nothing to do with it.

    Consider this! An African farmer who is watching his family starve and there is nothing he can do will pray to whatever fairy tale he clings to.

  4. Handbags at 10 paces gentlemen.

    So funny how people introduce their wives as 'my wife who graduated and now works for a bank' as some kind of badge of honour. I used to know a Soi Cowboy dancer who left her job as a secretary to work as a go-go girl because the money was better and she didn't like getting up early.

    I also know a guy who met a girl in Nana on his first week here and has never had her leave his side.

    As for Inlaws that ask for money. I once explained the joke ' The answer's No! Now what's the question' to my wife and I think she got it as what I give is gratefully accepted and nothing more is requested.

    I wonder if the same stigma is attached to council house scrubbers from the U.K!

  5. My point was simply that the seemingly low IQ of Thais and their relative connection to Asians who seem to do well in IQ tests resembles something I read about. That being the Bell Curve.

    Like I said, I'm no expert in the field, but one can't help but notice the difference between Chinese inventions which are many and the inventions of people that score less well. For example, the Chinese invented paper, the clock, gun powder, board games and many more and Africans have invented ( and i did google this) guitars made from oil cans.

    I just thought it was relavent as members disect the whys and wherefores of Thai IQs.

  6. It reminds me of something called The Bell Curve, which shows that IQ does have a relation to race. For example native Australians and sub-saharan Africans tend towards an IQ score a fraction above what would be considered retarded in a European. It also suggests that Chinese are among the top scores.

    I can't say I am an expert in such fields, but one only has to look at the acheivments of these races and it seems to hold water.

    As for Thais I think the culture of not asking questions and many people viewing an education as not all that important are part of the problem. I wonder if is possible to post an IQ test on this forum and have the posters post their scores!

  7. As Peter Cook put it, "endangered animals should be wiped off the face of the earth. Why are whales so special? Have you ever read anything by a whale? They just swim about eating f###ing plancton"

    Jokes aside, I doubt much will force the japanese to stop whaling. They have continued through out the ban to hunt on the basis of research.

  8. I had this very conversation with 5 femail Thai insurance staff last week. when I told them that I don't belive in ghosts they looked at me as if I had just clamied to not belive in dogs. One of them went so far as to re-phrase the question as she presumed that I had misunderstood.

    Living in Thailand has made me doubt the people that belive in ghosts.

    At the end of the day children are quick to belive in ghosts/santa/tooth fairy/pixies/god/ghosts and Thais are rather child like. So they are quick to belive in any hocus-pocus.

  9. TRAVEL2003! "there was this guy that pumped into me all the time" and "as he pumped more and more into me ".

    What exactly was the drunk guy pumping into you? How was he able to pump into you in front of people? Did you feel that he had not pumped enough into you? Is that the reason you wanted to scar the guy forever?

    I feel that we should all be told!

  10. It seems to me that talking about food is a 'safe' topic for Thais. They don't have to express a real opinion and won't risk a loss of 'face' by stating a 'wrong' opinion.

    Where as we might end the meal with "Did you see Bush/Mourinho/Blair on the news last night? What an idiot/genius/nob!" and go from there. A Thai who did that would be assasinated for being to serious or, god forbid, thinking to serious.

  11. It's a collective plot that they are all in on.

    If they show someone the error of their ways, then someone will show them theirs.

    All hel_l would break loose with people being forced to actually think.

    Just think of the chaos caused by people having to take responsibility for their actions, consider others and face their mistakes.

    No! It is far better to amble along with simpletons grin saying 'mai pen rai' and worrying about 'face', which seems to me to be nothing more than a concept to avoid responsibility.

  12. Well I just got back from Pantip and it seems that after the police raid there is only 600 or so tossers grabing at your arm offering you porno while you are talking to your wife. One monkey held my arm so I grabbed his hand and said "yes I have sexy movie. you want? I have!" and dragged him along. His freinds were rolling around and he got very wound up.

    I wonder what imaginitive ways other posters have used to shoo away the sexy movie guys! I once wrote "no thankyou" in Thai (copied the letters) and held it right up against there noses.

  13. How can this be done? Stop planes using the airport? Ask the captain to whisper? Supply ear plugs to families affected?

    Very little of that money will be used for its purpose. We all know that. Thais know that.

    What strikes me as odd is the fact they can rev their cars outside apartments, do karaoke until all hours at ear spliting volume, keep a dozen strays to bark all night and blast your eardrums at every BTS station and nothing is said. But the whooh of an airplane over head is something to shout about.


  14. We could give a corkscrew and an onion to a duck and sit back as it out performs the bozos that are messing up the On-Nut paths.

    It blows my mind to watch them use wet cement and not block it off to dogs, people and motor bikes. They have turned some areas into something the Afgans would moan about.

    They have taken a passible pavement and turned it into a flood prone, un-safe, un-level assult course. As one post said "they use sub-standard men and materials", it seems they use sub-standard brains too.

  15. Let me see. I agree that Thai families dont seem to hug and kiss as much as western families seem to. I know if I go away for a few months my mum sqeezes the air out of me on my return and i have no problem with hugging my old man too. In contrast i went to see an ex-gf's family after being in BKK for a year or so and her mum touched her slightly on the head and her grandmother just smiled as she waied her. This came as a surprise to me.

    However, I doubt there is any less emotion than any of our families it just seems to be displayed differently.

    As for hugging, my now GF expects a hug and kiss the moment she comes through th door after work and gets 'funny' if I'm just about to wipe out the last enemy soldier/destroy the mothership/score the winning goal or whatever.

  16. Whilst I may struggle to forgive you and your desire for smooth (note it has the same number of O's as the word poo) Peanut Butter I can empathise with you for the desire for quality Peanut Butter. I too struggle to cope with the sound of my knife hitting the glass at the bottom of the jar.

    Although I have never tried the service, as I have a regular supply from home, I am told you can order it from......


    I don't know where the OP is from, SunPat is he finest of them all.

    Hmmmm! This has given me an idea for a new thread!

  17. I was at a meeting with khun cheifoftouristpolice and his team about a week ago on this very subject. We were treated to an excellent slideshow, including pictures of dead Japanese buissness men who fell foul of a scam and shifty looking africans with a table of fake cards before them.

    You do have to provide your own uniform, why should they provide it if you change your mind after a week?

    There is no pay, but you will get a Thai Police ID.

    You are simply there to assist. No kicking in doors. No sirens screaming. Just helping out.

    I was keen at first but then saw how half-arsed it all seemed.

    Might be fun and rewarding, but a fair amount of work for nowt.

  18. I worked out how to spin the map and gather the numbers, but how did you work out what number the 2 hearts stood for.........or should i just put on a dunce hat and stand in the corner?

    As for the map, you only need that after clue 5 and i guess by then someone can get one.

  19. I hear that next week they are going to search for buckets of air, long waits, glass nails and left handed hammers.

    Monkeys! They should be ashamed of having the word royal in their title.

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