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Posts posted by DirkGently

  1. To tie in with the new Pirates Of The Caribbean film Volvo have come up with quite an interesting campaign. You have to solve 'nautical' clues as they have sunk a chest containg $50000 and the keys to one of their new SUVs.

    You can find it if you Google 'volvo hunt'.

    The first clue seems to tricky for me so I have bugger all hope of winning, but I'd like to get past the first couple of clues.

    Any clues?

  2. In simple 'Yes' or 'No' language.

    I have a friend of a friend who knows a guy that used to mow the lawn of a co-worker that is an avid downloader of music etc and I understand that he also views a popular video website.

    Does he have anything to worry about?

    I'm sure he couldn't care less about arguments about the junta, China and other political tosh, he just wants to know if he should be concerned.

  3. Thanks for the insight Bina. I guess I stand.....exactly where I stood before. You do make many good points, but you do dwell on migrant workers and not what we would term 'slaves'.

    Dr Naam, as you are a doctor (in what i wonder) you should have knowledge about my comments, or do I need to hold your hand as we pass into the wonderful word of google. Instead of calling it BULL, why don't you try and refute my view in a similar way to Bina, or is that not possible?

    The slave trade was well underway in the sandy countries long before the British made it a buisness and it still goes on now.

    I would not dream of making anyone endure an anti muslim rant, but the PC brigade choose to ignore facts.

  4. As we in the UK are wringing our hands and pointlessly begging forgiveness after abolishing slavery 200 years ago the practice goes on in less civilised areas of the world.

    Indeed the practice still goes on and is sanctioned in 'the good book' of Arab lands.

  5. Well I have no idea about being cynical, but the fact remains skipping out on the bill knowing the staff have to pick up on your bill is wrong.

    If I was scammed by a a Thai I would not push my anger onto other Thais to get my own back.

    I still find skipping the bill a disgusting practice.

  6. I see your point Qwertz, but the fact remains. If I saw a Farand trying to push his bill on to me i would deal with it. As for staff adding bills, can I ask whta bar this is. A good bar , as I am talking about, would noy do that.

    Bill padding has nevr had to me. I can add 4 or 6 beers together.

  7. BKKROX, you kill me. You have no idea about my sexual tastes, yet you can still tell me what is right and wrong. I promise to tell my co-worker who enjoys the company of likewise humans (i trust that is ok) that he is a vile biggot and being gay is no defense for using such a vile word.

    When I meet folk like you I can't help but wind them up. My gay co-workers refer to me as a winging pom and a nafhetty (naf hetrosexual) I find that funny as hel_l and don't blink about using a gay joke. The stuff I have said would drive you mad, but anyone in the real world would understand that my comments do not belie any hatred.

    Best of luck to you.

    Ever heard the one about a gay and a pot of youghurt.................

  8. Pepe! Why would you want a thread closed ust because something bothers you? At the end of the day If you find it offensive, dont look. The things you see as an insult are true. Farangs/Westeners do do this. There are scum amongst us.

    When people steal it might be beacuse they can't afford it, but to skip out on a bill of 300 baht knowing that the staff will have to didg it out of their pockets seems lower that a snakes belly to me.

    I can't understand why someone would rob a girl that earns less per month that I would spend on a good meal.

    People, pay your bill.

    I was told of a story of a guy who took an empty beer bottle out of a bin so he could use the freebies in this particular bar. It's staggering that someone would do this. However, it's true.

    I am stunned that folk push their bill into others bin. If someone did that to me they would require help.

  9. BKKROX! People like you crack me up. If mere symbols on a screen can upset you so much, how do you survive in the real world? Get a grip of yourself man.

    The word queer is one I have heard around the office and, now this may shock you, was being used by a gentleman's gentleman, or 'queer' if you like.

    Your point about Hitler really made me smile. Yes! You are right my use of a single word puts me right up there with a mass murderer.

    I couldn't care less who somebody chooses to go home with, but there is still no third sex.

    You silly person. (I hope that language is not to harsh)

  10. AHHH! Mr Prince, I was glad to set you straight.....so to speak... about this PC nonsense about the 3rd nonsense.....I mean sex.

    'Evidence' of this 3rd nonsense is usually given by odd folks with their own gender....oops! I mean agenda.

    Why is it that so many MEN in Thailand choose to mutilate themselves? Here let me give you some clues.

    1. Very little psychiatric help.

    2. A culture where nobody will show you your errors.

    3. A culture where nobody will accept their failings.

    4. Doctors that will mutilate a man if HE is willing to pay, with no questions asked.

    I have no issue with queers or lesbians and I do feel you have the right to do as they do. Also, I have the right to say what I think.

    Walking in shoes? HHHMMM! Good point. Well made. Hitler thought he was in the right too. Just because you think you are in the right, it doesn't mean you are.

    As for calling me sweetheart! That is just silly. My heart is a sinewy organ filled with blood and proberbly tastes like chicken.

    THERE IS NO THIRD SEX! I hope that helps.

  11. It seems that the airport idea of sending the immigration staff on smiling courses has failed. Thai passport staff are the second worst I have ever met. The U.S being the first, after I landed on September 10th 2002 with a passport from an Islamic country, I am glad to say I am not a muslim and can still look at my self in the mirror, I was dragged to one side and questioned.

    Singapore were the nicest. They joked with me about how many days I needed. A really nice welcome to their country.

  12. Wait! Wait! Wait! You can buy illegal software in Thailand? Where?

    The deputy PM raided Pantip Plaza and went away with one smutty dvd, a couple of mp3 disks and a red face.

    I bought my genuine windows at Pantip for a 150 baht. The guy told me it was a discount as it was 2005 XP.

  13. Does it have some carrots, peas and some broth with it? I was rather hoping it would be my missing meal.

    Maybe, and this is a long shot, mayyyyybe, just maybe a Thai pet owner has acted in a irresponsible way. Yes, I know it doesn't sound possible and Bangkok is just blessed with stray dogs. However, somtimes I get the feeling that Thais should not have an animal to look after.

  14. Yes, we can all tell Israeli tales about how they will go insane over a 1baht increase in the price of water at a restaurant over the local 7-11, but this is not the place for them.

    I had rather hoped my thread would reach some of the people who do this and possibly stop them, instead of being closed because somebody insults members of the Jewish homestate that may, or may not, shame themselves by arguing over 500 kip in laos over a Tuk-Tuk or being forced to pay a deposit in a hotel in Vietnam because they are not trusted.

    Anyway, the bar in question does not have too many israeli's because the minimum price for a drink is 39 bhat.

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