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Posts posted by DirkGently

  1. I have an Australian friend in town who is proving that Ozzys will bet on two flys on a wall.

    I understand there are two horse racing venues here in Bangkok. I am told that they use a different one each Sunday. Does anybody know which venue is going to be used on Sunday the 29th of April?

    I feel a need to throw good money down the drain.

  2. Parks the world over are a magnet for nutcases. I think you met one. I have seen Thai and western people alike pointing at and watching these creatures with interest.

    The man with the stick would proberbly be too dim to grasp that the reason Lumpini is a rat free zone is beacuse the lizards are there.

    Good for you for stopping this idiot, in the same way most of us would try and stop a guy beating a dog.

  3. Third sex is a term for a person that needs help and not genital mutilation. It is easy to see if you are born a boy or girl, just look down in the shower. This nonsense about the 'third sex' was described to me, by a Thai, as a fashion. Thailand is a place where a person will never have to face there mistakes or supidity, so why not mess about with fake boobs and high heels.

    They are MEN in skirts. Fact.

    I saw a MAN in a university uniform yesterday. The GUY was so thin HE must have been ill. I felt sorry for HIM because whatever was deluding HIM into thinking HE could be a woman was making him starve HIMSELF.

  4. Well it is good to see it is not just me that thinks skipping out on the bill is wrong. The main reason I despise those that do it is this. In my home city if you visit one of the big chain bars and leave, the establishment takes the hit. Here in Thailand the shortfall is made up out of the staff's wages. Call me a 'luvvy' if you will, but I cant steal out of their pockets.

    It is just the level that people will stoop to that makes me mad. The story that prompted my thread was about an older guy who lives here (I hope he reads this) who refused to buy a drink because he just wanted to use the bar as a place to cool off. The staff pestered him to buy a drink so he left. He left and was seen fishing a beer bottle out of a near-by bin so he could tell the staff he had bought a drink. That is not being a cheap Charlie, that is being a cheap <deleted>.

    Sure, I have had bad service and crappy meals here in Thailand and have complained bitterly, but it is never so bad that I want to steal from the staff.

    Is it a lack of morals or a lack of knowledge? Maybe these tossers don't know that the shortfall fall from there bin is taken out of the girls pockets. I suspect, however, that it is a case of they feel that they are better than these brown people.

    Imagine the difference between being called a tw@t or a good bloke being only 300 baht. Which would you choose?

  5. It does happen Buriramboy, I assure you. In a big and busy bar some take advantage.

    I agree with you, Kmart. These people do need to be shown up for what they are. These people are doubtless giving us an even worse name. With the advent of cheap flights even losers can drag themselves here.

    As for Chavkansteve! Pull the same stunt in a Birmingham bar and see how funny the staff think you are.

  6. I am acquainted with staff members of a popular bar here in Bangkok and the other night our conversation turned to people not paying their bills.

    I would have guessed that some dregs of humanity did it, but I could never have guessed who and how many.

    It's not important which nationality does this the most. let us just say that two of the top three are from rich countries with people who should know better. Incidently, the worst group would raise no surprise.

    It seems unthinkable to me to tell the staff I'm off to the bathroom and then duck out another door, but it happens. The other method used by these lowlife is to make up a complaint and refuse to pay the bill and bully 50kg girls like the true men they are. One 'gentleman', lets say, Mr Turdsak, refused to pay the bill for his beers and his partners orange juice because, and I'm not making this up, he had ordered still and not sparkling juice. If ever there was a candidate for a Being-Thrown-From-A-Cliff-Athon, it should have been him.

    The other trick these pondscum employ is eating the entire meal and then refusing to pay for their meal and drinks after claiming it wasn't what they wanted.

    I could only shake my head as story after story was reeled off and mutter "what losers".

    When the bill comes to a fraction of what it would in our own countries, why would anyone shame themselves to avoid a bill of B500? I can only imagine stealing money out of the hands of girls that earn 5k plus tips is something they are proud of.

    If anybody sees any farang trying to trick or cheat their way out of a bill, speak up. Ask him if he needs to borrow the money. Shame them.

    If anyone reading this is one of the aforementioned oxygen theives then I can only say YOUR MOTHER WOULD BE ASHAMED.

  7. I see, but, prostitution and people throwing firecrackers are done by individuals that can slip in under the radar and then deny it was them. A small crime commited by small people.

    This does not apply to major companies like Chang and whisky makers. Plus there name is on the crime. I just can't see how they can get away with it.

  8. I have been pondering this while enduring a few days away :o . I may not be the smartest man on earth, but I'm sure that I know what 'banned' means.

    The gov banned all alcohol adverts in all media. So why on earth did I see adverts over songkran in newspapers and on TV. Several Thai papers were carrying full page ads for Chang lite and I saw several whisky ads on TV.

    Maybe the law was passed by toothless tigers.

  9. GGGRRRR! Get out! Go home! If your not local then you can't be one of us!

    Go home now or enjoy a slow death and all your money scammed off you.

  10. I love dogs. The well trained, family type, content dogs in a home.

    I hate soi dogs. Like rats with wagging tails.

    When I see well meaning but stupid people feeding them I just want to choke them.

    A girl in my apartment was feeding some of the flea bags in the parking lot once, as they licked her face I said "you might want to try some worming tablets", she replied "I think these are ok". So I pointed out "not for them, for you". Dirty cow.

    Let them starve. Round up the sick ones and put them down. Come back for the fit ones and gas them all.

    A city is for people.

  11. I have always enjoyed spicy food. A Ruby Murry in England to a Buddah's revenge here in Thailand, but is it dangerous? My better half tells me I will get stomach cancer from the chillis, just like a friend of a friend who once knew a guy that had a mate in the next village..............

    The question is, is there any truth in it? I guess that in many ways the 'cleansing' effect it has on your bowels can only be a good thing, but she is so certain I started to look into it. However, she is alos certain that ghosts exist and demons exist and are scared away by her waving incense sticks.

    Any links on the subject?

    Any ideas?

    Whilst I may scoff at somethings, cancer ain't one of them.

  12. Good point, well made mikethevigoman. I have heard western ladies calling all Thai women hookers in the same breath they regale others with how they picked a guy up in the Londoner.

    I was unlucky enough to work with an American lady that was convinced that she had read that 80 somthing % of thai women were prostitutes. Stupid cow.

    The FACT that many British girls (I speak from experience) have many more partners, more STD's and for free than most Thai women proberbly do go some way to providing a false image of western women to Thai men.

    or it could be that they have bigger boobs.

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