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Posts posted by gummy

  1. 10 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


    Everyone is sick of seeing whoever is in charge of Thailand line their own pockets, I think that was why a few were concerned when the good general inherited 20 million dollars within days of becoming PM from some old patch of land that his parents had been sat on since the days when they "grew rice and vegetables for a living", I can't see why people would be sceptical of that though, sounds perfectly legit!

    And avoided tax by ensuring the BVI was the residential area of the registered legal entity.

  2. 1 minute ago, gbswales said:

    To be fair most of us would argue that nearly all Thai politicians, police and other public officials should face justice - however what most of us are saying is the sentence is a farce - it is putting dodgy dealing on a par with Murder and other more serious crimes.  That is why it is farcical.  Plus it seems fairly typical that one or two people are singled out for "justice" while the majority of people who must have been complicit get away with it.  If the news had been that 20-30 people had been given sentences of between 1 - 5 years then most of us would applaud it.  


    Nobody trusts the justice system except when it delivers a verdict they agree with, and that is rare.  I really cannot blame Yingluk for leaving the country given that what amount to life sentences are being handed down for what has been "normal business practice" for decades.  What is really needed are checks and balances in the system which make it much less tempting to succumb to corruption in the first place.

    A very articulate and accurate description of the Thai issues.  However one point I would take issue with is that murder in Thailand is dealt with less securely than others.   The taking of a human life should be ,  in my book, the worst crime , and hence secure the longest possible punishment.   But Thailand with their greed continues to provide longer punishments where it concerns money.  that is the problem when you have a failed ideology.

  3. 1 minute ago, Tilacme said:

    Just the thought of all those thousands of police and soldiers standing around in the hot sun waiting for one women to show up is already cracking me up.

    I agree and the plus side is that with so many police their they are not robbing motorists so much perhaps.  Think how much the police cronies are losing out from extortion at this point in time due to them being there.

  4. 11 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    You can say the entire world doesn't have the balls to deal with this. It's been going on for decades and no action. Place the blame properly.

    But it is only the US,  Trump in particular, who keep spouting bile at Kim, only for Kim to hold up his middle finger, every time .  And if you are going to apportion blame properly to the current situation and its causes, then the cessation of hostilities in 1953 were due to the incompetence of which country to have the ability and balls to take on a much depleted,  under trained and poorly armed ( compared to the US )Chinese army ?

  5. 27 minutes ago, Just1Voice said:

    They will probably find her guilty.  That decision was reached before the trial even began.  The real question is: will they dare imprison her, or will they give her a suspended sentence, and political ban for 5 years or so? 


    Personally, I feel that if they imprisoned her, they would be biting off more than they can chew.  The north & northeast would pretty much revolt, and there would definitely be violence. Especially when the coup lead army steps in and starts killing people.  


    Guilty, but with suspended sentence is the only sensible way out. 



    yes I do because they value their own lives.

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