"The two children now face a heartbreaking future, as family members arrange funeral rites for both victims."
The shooter is not a victim and the pos should be taken straight to the local landfill.
My grandfather was one of five brothers who served in the armed forces in WW2. He was a naval gunner in home waters and on the Arctic Convoys. He was decorated personally by the King in 1942 for shooting down three German aircraft whilst his own gun crew were killed and wounded after being shot at. I am immensely proud of all my families service. You are a perfect example of know nothing bigots spouting nonsense on something they know nothing about.
"The most severely affected individuals received up to 200,000 baht, while others received varying amounts based on the extent of their injuries and losses."
Some people's lives really aren't valued very highly here, so sad.
"This decision resonates with a longstanding policy reflecting the country's commitment to public safety and health."
Laughing my bit fat hairy farang arse off.
Hopefully he'll give the money to the family of the woman he killed and her brother he seriously injured, later dying in hospital whilst drunk driving last year.