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Everything posted by edwinchester

  1. Surprised that this idiots pack have been free to roam for so long. Here in the village aggressive dogs soon succumb to a mysterious illness.
  2. There are way more ways to prove your masculinity than guzzling fuel and polluting the environment with fumes and excess noise.
  3. Installed solar panels last year for 90k bht. Save between 10k and 11k bht every month in fuel costs now we run an EV so all of our mileage is free. Next car will also be an EV as in 20 months of ownership have never missed my diesel vehicle.
  4. I'm sure she regrets her actions and will be spending the rest of her holiday at a Thai meditation sanctuary to cleanse her soul.
  5. 100 rai of land would have got a very nice commission if the usual 3% was on offer. Should have shared some of it if the shooter really did introduce the buyer.
  6. They don't appear to be able to use the 'he slipped and I fell' excuse if it makes it to court.
  7. Maybe criminality is a reserved occupation.
  8. I was thinking more of the Thai 'friend' who stands in as the owner of the company with controlling influence.
  9. Wonder when we'll hear about the prosecution of the Thai proxy who assisted the American in circumventing Thailand's business laws.
  10. The unfortunate young boy was the son of the guy who didn't lend the murderer the money he wanted.
  11. Last time I was in Bangkok I stopped at a zebra crossing where people were already in the road. Cars and motorbikes were driving around me nearly running into those people on the crossing. Ignorant, selfish <deleted> is how I'd describe them.
  12. Thailand need to own that they have some officials who appear to be involved in illegal border activities. If some of those trafficked through Thailand make it safely back into Thailand then they need to be returned to their home countries with the help of the countries Embassy if their passports are still in the hands of the traffickers.
  13. "...avoid favoring domestic players..." Well there's your problem.
  14. Seems a little harsh when many of them were kidnapped in Thailand and transported into Burma presumably with the connivance of some Thais.
  15. One may assume he already knew about the oil leak but for whatever reason chose to ignore it. I wonder if gas tanks were fitted to this vehicle and if so did the installation pass the recent tests required after the school kids tragedy?
  16. The things some disgusting <deleted> will do for money is truly sickening.
  17. Maybe he has no family to help take care of him and has to continue working to survive. 600 bht a month Thai pension doesn't buy you much these days.
  18. This is a carbon tax aimed at CO2 emissions. I'm sure a pollution tax is on the way sometime soon.
  19. I had somebody drive into the back of my car whilst I was waiting at a red light on Christmas Eve. The driver admitted he had been working two days straight and had fallen asleep. He handed over 400 bht to the Police and that was that as far as they were concerned. A while ago my wife was fined 500 bht for not wearing a seatbelt. Until there are proper consequences for the astonishing accident count on Thai roads nothing will change.
  20. On the school run this morning sugarcane burning was going on in several places. Banning burning but still allowing processing factories to buy burnt cane is ridiculous. Ban burnt cane processing and the problem will disappear overnight.
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