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Everything posted by edwinchester

  1. I'd wager the victim didn't go to court and instead used threats and the dismantling of the shooters home because the court would almost certainly side with the old guy who had lived on the land for many years. When you ignore the law violence often results.
  2. ....and the Chinese. Advertise a free 'all u can eat' buffet and coach loads would storm the place.
  3. The picture in the op is a stock pic and not one of the mangy mutts at the landfill.
  4. "Kwanchai’s wife publicly apologised to the South Korean victim and the public, explaining that her husband was unfamiliar with the route and failed to notice the traffic light." Of course that's how it happened, and he also failed to notice the other traffic stopped at the crossing.
  5. My daughter has had several very good swimming teachers here in Thailand since she started at two years. She's also lucky that her school has it's own pool where all the kids have a lesson at least once a week.....outside of cool season 555. It's a shame Thailand doesn't have more large pools, maybe the high drowning stats for kids wouldn't be nearly so high.
  6. My own dad taught me to swim before I went to school. It's easy if you know how to teach kids to swim at a young age.
  7. First took my daughter for swimming lessons when she started kindergarten at 2 years old.
  8. Yes, for some reason the Tories allowed net immigration to spiral over two and a half times since the previous Labour Govt in 2010 and refused to increase the resources of the Border Patrol. Useless charlatans to the core.
  9. Strange that in a Nation where so many people regularly gamble a poll seems to suggest that the majority of people are against gambling.
  10. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/1BErUSjUNF/?mibextid=oFDknk Neta V group on FB has had a few members install towbars.
  11. It was not a narrow bridge, video after the crash shows at least 2 seperate lanes.
  12. Absolutely nothing to do with him drunk driving then?
  13. "...the singer had offered a piece of land valued at 4-5 million baht in Nakhon Ratchasima.." Offering a useless piece of land hundreds of kms away from the family home shows his true nature. His own most likely inflated valuation would almost certainly never be realised by the family in any case considering the dire market in Thai real estate.
  14. They're friends of my wife's sister not my wife. My wife thinks that they are nutjobs.
  15. The media were reporting an announcement in the Thai Royal Gazette, can't believe they'd all get that wrong....it was even reported as such in Aseannow!!!! Anyway, I've yet to see any announcements that Taksin did not receive a Royal Pardon.
  16. Where is it reported Taksin didn't receive a Royal Pardon?
  17. The Nation and Reuters also reported that Taksin had received a Royal Pardon.
  18. The Bangkok Post reported on August 17th last year that Taksin had received a Royal Pardon.
  19. Yellow shirts on 'no more Mr Nice Guy' setting.
  20. One of wifeys family members is in this group protesting against Taksin. Almost everyone of them are anti democratic pro coup supporters who believe the only way to save the country is through the elite wielding absolute power. Most of them are very anti foreigners and would like to rid the country of them.
  21. Hardly a deterrent though is it as Thailand has one of the world's highest rates of incarceration full of repeat offenders.
  22. Yeah, it's always smaller after you pull out.
  23. "Should all go well, a final decision might arrive as early as January 2025." Presentation, inspection, evaluation all in the next week and a half then.
  24. There's a barrier in the hole under the car. I'd wager he ploughed through the barriers and the bollards were added after the accident.
  25. It took me several good looks to see the barriers, bollards and warning lights around the hole no wonder the guy missed seeing it.
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