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Everything posted by edwinchester

  1. "Some of the staff who were travelling in the back were thrown off as the vehicle rolled over...." Even Govt Agencies can't supply their workers with safe transport despite it being a legal requirement when travelling in a vehicle.
  2. Yes the court does have an option. It means the the court accepts the evidence supports the charges rather than dismissing the case through lack of evidence.
  3. "Interestingly, the polls show that younger voters (say 18-38) are very open to a nuclear future." None of them were around when Chernobyl and Three Mile Island were dominating World Headlines.
  4. Here is Kanchanaburi/Suphanburi the air quality has deteriorated alot since the beginning of December. Sugarcane and rice stubble burning is still going on virtually as before. Many of the kids in my daughter's class at school seem to be on a continuous round of runny noses, itchy eyes and irritating coughs. My kids doctor says much of it is caused by the rampant air pollution. The fact that the Govt is talking about online classes as a solution says they have given up on addressing the root causes to me.
  5. " The remaining 1% will be provided by nuclear power....." So a huge cost to build these nuclear plants to produce a tiny fraction of Thailand's electricity needs. Factor in the huge costs for the management of nuclear waste for many generations to come and this plan seems madness to me.
  6. Speaking Chinese as there were at least 33 Chinese tourists on board.
  7. Is the requirement for decent insurance when purchasing a vehicle on finance not a requirement here?
  8. Alot of the locals do this to keep the mosquitoes away so they tell me.
  9. Thai opponents of the Thai Govt killed in Cambodia, Cambodian opponents of the Cambodian Govt killed in Thailand. Doubt if this will go much further.
  10. The powers that be keep doing the same old thing every single year yet wonder why the figures go up. It astonishes me how these absolutely clueless individuals keep their jobs. Until there are real consequences for the carnage on Thai roads nothing will ever change. Somebody crashed into the back of our car at a red light during the holiday period. He admitted to falling asleep at the wheel after working two days straight. His fine was 400 bht. Nothing else. No points on his license nothing. Our accident won't even appear in official stats as the Police wanted to keep paperwork to a minimum and let us sort things out amongst ourselves.
  11. There is massive under reporting of the daily figures and deaths that occur in hospital in the following days are not included for obvious reasons.
  12. "If convicted, Tum could face imprisonment for up to a decade..." Doesn't seem nearly enough for an unprovoked attack resulting in somebody's death.
  13. People's Party note to self....divest every single media share from portfolio, don't even talk about reform of an institution before constitutional reform.
  14. You'd have thought he'd have doubts about the marriage after he was nearly fatally stabbed previously.
  15. On Christmas Eve we were waiting at a set of traffic lights and were rear ended by a pickup. The driver admitted to Police that he'd been working for two days straight, knew he was too tired to drive but did so anyway. He was fined 400 bht for careless driving. A few weeks ago my wife was stopped by Police for not wearing a seatbelt. She was fined 500 bht.
  16. Somebody crashed into the back of our car Christmas Eve whilst we were waiting at a set of traffic lights. Three different rescue teams turned up within minutes before even the police got there even though there were no injuries.
  17. Jeez, that fitment of batteries was a fire waiting to happen. I guess the last bus inspection somehow missed that rats nest of wiring.
  18. Cheap in the UK then if you compare average wages in the UK and in Thailand.
  19. Where does it say he was intoxicated/drunk?
  20. It seems to be all about the money and little to do with love. Demands a wedding and when no dowry is available reports the father for sexual assault.
  21. Crazy how much money is involved in cockfighting here. Wifeys uncle had his flock culled during the bird flu epidemic several years ago. He was very upset as his best ones used to sell for around 150,000 bht each.
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