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  1. This post should be removed by the Moderators.. for obvious reasons... Poster should be ashamed of themselves..
  2. I posted a few weeks ago that trump is a Traitor to America.. but that America hasn't realized it yet.. The evidence supporting my opinion grows by the day... Unfortunately.
  3. You are a propagandist par excellence.. Pot. .Black... Go pedd]e your BS somewhere else...
  4. Trumpian falsehood.. The Gazans (women and children) being dug-up from underneath tonnes of concrete rubble. are almost ALL civilians..
  5. Sure.. i'll take a crack at it.. Neville Chamberlain.. "Peace in our time" Ring a bell? Caved to Der Fuhrer. Million subsequently died. You don't don't give the aggressor what they want.. Because they will be back for more. /and people will die. Unnecesarily.
  6. Just come up with that pithy bon mot off the top of your head? It's called geo-politics.😎
  7. Trump is a Traitor to America... America just hasn't realized it yet. 🥺
  8. Wow.. you are on a roll today..again.. Are you being willfully obtuse with that comment? Or just obtuse? No benefit to America whittling away at Putin's finances,resources and manpower? More chatter..
  9. Was he dancing? Thought he was taking the ferret out for a stroll.. 😎
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