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Posts posted by bobbin

  1. What it all boils down to is would you let your daughter go sell her body for the sakes of the latest T.V or nice new motorbike

    Uh-huh. Here we go..

    You've got an agenda, don't you? Quelle surprise! rolleyes.gif

    What have you sold your body (labour) for? Brains, brawn, or breasts makes no never-mind...to me.

  2. toenail, I just want to thank you for making the post above. Sincerely.

    This is the reality.

    Yes, some girls get hardened -too long in the game, or corrupted -the goodies are, much more often than not, freely given.

    But the moralizing and sheer inability to imagine being born into these circumstances that pours forth at every opportunity (the girls -do they need to do it or are they sub-human- threads.)often leaves me shaking my head.

    So many of these threads are opened under one pretext or another. To be shutdown when they inevitably get out of hand.

    • Like 1
  3. I think many of the contributing posters may have overlooked the case of the Tetra-Pak billionaire in UK.

    Wife lay decomposing for 2 months in their 70 million pound mansion. Covered by plastic bin liners that had been taped together(showing intent). Deflected numerous questions as to her whereabouts(more intent).

    Both have history of instability, but at such advanced state of decomposition no conclusive cause of death. He was just this week found guilt of not reporting her death. He'll do a year or two in mental health facility. As mentioned above, he is a.billionaire. Money (and social status) talks, even in Europe.

    Dokset is relatively wealthy by Thai standards. A good lawyer and he does a similar amount of time.

    Might not be right, but that's how the world works.

    I liked his online persona.

    Yes, but Mrs.Tetra's body was ''whole''. wai.gif

    Hmmm, yes.....

    But not "whole" enough to make a conclusive cause of death.

    A lot of "wiggle room" for a good lawyer.

  4. I think many of the contributing posters may have overlooked the case of the Tetra-Pak billionaire in UK.

    Wife lay decomposing for 2 months in their 70 million pound mansion. Covered by plastic bin liners that had been taped together(showing intent). Deflected numerous questions as to her whereabouts(more intent).

    Both have history of instability, but at such advanced state of decomposition no conclusive cause of death. He was just this week found guilt of not reporting her death. He'll do a year or two in mental health facility. As mentioned above, he is a.billionaire. Money (and social status) talks, even in Europe.

    Dokset is relatively wealthy by Thai standards. A good lawyer and he does a similar amount of time.

    Might not be right, but that's how the world works.

    I liked his online persona.

  5. I can add my agreement to this with my first post. It is very nice bike. If you can find it at a dealer without the need to wait less than 130 000 just buy it.

    I was in Mityon on Theprasit Road yesterday. There were two CBR250s with ABS on the showroom floor. Bt.111,000. They were one of the price-gouging dealerships for quite a while. Guess that's over for them, as supply has met demand.

    I wonder if the dealers saw an opportunity to increase their margins while blaming inadequate supply on the 2011 floods? In any case the factory should have ramped up its production by now and the economy world wide is slowing. Should be more of a buyers market... Thats my theory anyway... smile.png


    The price-gouging predated the floods by months!

  6. I think the old dude was probably right.

    Look at the way the young guys and girls were behaving outside the go-go earlier.

    Hookers are hookers mainly because they are too lazy to work in a respectable job.

    Easy money without much effort is the name of the game.

    As for the hooker and her story ...... tears on tap, playing for the camera.

    I've seen your various posts and your interpretation regarding Thais - you really don't have a clue actually.

    Another thai expert Please list qualifications

    Isn't Tommo the guy that lives rent-free with his Thai lady?

    Now that is exploitation! rolleyes.gif

  7. Bottom line? If you have plenty of time to get the lather just right (it never is as perfect as a good canned foam) then all you've done is take a 4-5 minute job and turn it into a 10 minute job.

    No. You spent an absurd amount of time trying to make that lather. Your brush was crap, couldn't expect too much. Obviously, you didn't know what you were doing and didn't bother to learn. Youtube has numerous tutorials on the subject.

    If the canned foam were better, I'd certainly go back to it. It isn't, and most who've seriously tried both would agree. Besides, some do enjoy the ritual, developing a small traditional skill, and taking an extra minute or two.

    I seriously doubt your time is THAT valuable.

    Again, anyone interested in this particular subject should read the informative discussion here: http://badgerandblad...d-cream-or-foam

    Au contraire, mon ami!

    I did the youtube thing.

    Warm the brush.A good bowl for whipping up the lather. But you have to get the right amount of soap, the right amount of water.

    This method predates modern technology. Foam has been perfected (better by some manufacturers than others) Do you think Gillette just "wings it"?

  8. Well, before more members get too enlightened.....tongue.png

    i think the concept gets a run around the block every few years on TV. Due to feeling I could have a more "authentic" shave by going back to the brush, I gave it a go.

    Sourced the Indian Old Spice(Lime) at Best and bought the more expensive of the 2 options for brushes(Bt.127 or so). whistling.gif

    Bottom line? If you have plenty of time to get the lather just right (it never is as perfect as a good canned foam) then all you've done is take a 4-5 minute job and turn it into a 10 minute job.

    I use Schick 3-blade disposables. I have at present King of Shaves liquid shaving gel, Boots No. 7 for men liquid shaving gel, Boots solid shaving gel, Barbasol foam and Gillette foam.

    I like the Gillette best. Barbershop scent. Just press the button. Done. The gels are messy, like the homemade stuff.

  9. I can add my agreement to this with my first post. It is very nice bike. If you can find it at a dealer without the need to wait less than 130 000 just buy it.

    I was in Mityon on Theprasit Road yesterday. There were two CBR250s with ABS on the showroom floor. Bt.111,000. They were one of the price-gouging dealerships for quite a while. Guess that's over for them, as supply has met demand.

  10. When it comes to head units, I have vowed never to install one again. The next time I have a car that needs a source unit upgrade, it's going to be a 7" Samsung Galaxy Tab. Why add just USB, or just Video, or just internet Radio, or just Bluetooth, or just GPS when you can add everything plus internet and virtually unlimited apps for around the same sort of cost as a decent aftermarket CD player? wink.png

    Is it that easy? What a great idea!

    Could it be piggy-backed onto an existing head unit so there would be no ugly space? On second thought, that's probably what you would do for that very reason.

  11. Is it not simple time to ban certain nationalities entering Thailand?

    I am sure any decent terrorist would find a way round this - don't forget that the previous 'lebanese' terrorist was on a swedish passport and in the Al-Mabhouh assasination in Dubai a few years back they were using forged passports from other countries such as UK.

    Wasn't that the Israelis?

    UK, Canada, Australia, etc. Not American though. Too close to home.....

  12. Anyway, the best singers were all white, Elvis, Roy Orbison Gene Pitney.

    in your opinion - remind me again of the supposed reason that Elvis was so popular...

    Wowzies. Can one really compare Whitney to Lena Horne, Ella Fitzgerald, or Pearl Bailey? All afro American, all women who had to face some terrible barriers, and all very honest, genuine folks that gave back to society.

    I know of and have listened to recordings of all three ladies. You could add Nina Simone and Etta James. It still doesn't take away from Whitney's talent. Do not be ungracious GK. Your earlier comment did not survive the cull on a remembrance thread. That should tell you something, if you care to listen.

    There will be an outpouring of sadness at the Grammys tonite. It will not all be insincere....

  13. Tourism of Thailand & AOT Airport of Thailand for week's have been saying how good thing are with airport arrivals ... I think this says a lot that due to economy problems in Europe and so on 2012 high season going to be low but they will still come out with the same old tricks trying not to lose face like always also says a lot when the Thai government have to step in and help the tourism industry but at the end of the day the only people who suffer are the smaller business in the industry these days .... ? Big companies always get look after and the little people always get screwed when has there really been a good season here there hasn't really from when they closed Suvarnabhumi Airport back in 2008 that's like four years now imagine how many loans these small business have had to take out just to keep food on the table and pay staff also doesn't help airline these days don't give much commission to the small agents some don't even given a thing what so ever you are lucky to make i would say around 7% to 10% on a ticket so i was told by my friend who works in the industry even online booking killing a lot off agents off as the airlines can under cut everybody and don't give a dam about the small people these day if it wasn't for the agents who sell the tickets from day one a lot of the airlines and hotel resorts would be out of business years ago i would think really tough times for everybody these days my friend who use to work with a lot EU based factories here in Thailand but these factories are buying online as it's a lot cheaper there needs to be lot of changes here in Thailand with the airlines and also Tourism of Thailand & AOT Airport of Thailand the management level side of things they have no idea what they are doing it's time bring in a newer generation with new creative ideas as the people who are in change now haven't got a clue what they are doing and all they keep doing is going around in circles with the same old marketing ideas all these people need to stop taking fancy holidays aboard and bring new experiences to Thailand and stuff like tuk tuk /jet ski / pickpocket scams doesn't help also the police really need to start police the streets at nights and not seating back at the station when tourist are getting mugged by youths and lady boys at night ...

    This is edited?


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