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Posts posted by bobbin

  1. KRS1...

    I like your posts and I know from them you are really into bikes but...

    Your people-skills come up short in the above post. bah.gif

    The guy has a legitimate beef and your response has to be one of the hackneyed and over-used comebacks (?) on TV.

  2. No license for the injured biker since 1999? Must be a reason for that...

    Never endorsed for motorcycle license?

    He will probably get some payout from the SUV driver's insurance but it will probably (and IMHO correctly) be about 20% of what he would have received in a one-on-one accident.

    And Gloria Allred? The very definition of an ambulance-chasing, publicity-hound lawyer with another female client....

  3. There have been a couple of correct answers.

    The first visit to hospital will include a tetanus shot and the first of a series of anti-rabies. Appointments will be made for the rest of the series.

    They hurt no more than any injection. Of course kids will not be happy about them.

    Long long ago the shots were given in the belly and did hurt but not now.

    May end up with some good (not) scars from the puncture wounds. Like I did. sad.png

  4. 555

    I'm the OP of the Doritos thread in the Pattaya forum several months ago....

    I was so excited to see local Nacho Cheese at local prices. The originals are my favorite snack, but being here 11 years now I only bought the imported version as a now and then treat. The imported versions come from USA and Australia. USA better flavour. Then on a trip back to Canada I noticed that while the flavour of the Canadian version was good, the chip itself was thinner than the USA or Australian version.

    The overwhelming consensus it that the local version are pretty crap. I did mean to add to the original thread that I noticed there is a Facebook site for the Thai Doritos. I have so far resisted being Facebook assimilated (no mean feat in Thailand which has, I read, the highest penetration in the world), but that would seem to be the only way to get word back to Frito-Lay Thailand.

    They have been a failure here. I see them being discounted in every supermarket.

    That would not have happened if they had gone with what worked everywhere else in the world.

    Thanks to a previous poster for for a scientific explanation for my Doritos habit. biggrin.png

    • Like 1
  5. try fixing a fishing line (0.2-0.3) or thin aluminum wire over balcony railing at height approx 5 cm.

    I have heard this before and it does work

    Sorry but this does not work. I can see balconies that have these, and the birds adjust themselves around them.

    • Like 1
  6. I recently read that AdBlock Plus was available for Android and decided to try it out. Not found in PlayStore, so went to ABP website where I should have been able to d/l it but it didn't want to do that.

    I am pretty certain any/all ad blocking software has been removed from the Play Store, for what should be obvious reasons. Additionally, most of the decent ad blocking apps. require a rooted device - this may be the number one reason to root your phone. I use Ad Away, and it is brilliant.

    Chances are you'll have to root your phone, and side-load any ad blocking apps.

    My phone is an I-mobile IQ 5.1 and not rooted. Still wondering why it has over 60mb in the cache in just 3 or 4 days....

  7. I will need some time to find what's best for me I guess.

    Another big annoyance though are the samsung and google apps stores. They were good (english) as long as I had not inserted a sim card but as soonas I inserted my thai sim, google app store shows me mainly apps for thailand and samsung app store displays partly in thai. Any ideas on how to get the english localisations defaults back?

    You can log into PlayStor on a PC and download to your phone


    That definitely works for Yahoo! Finance.

    Maybe the OP could let us know if that works for the other apps that they've found challenging to install?

    I recently read that AdBlock Plus was available for Android and decided to try it out. Not found in PlayStore, so went to ABP website where I should have been able to d/l it but it didn't want to do that.

    Went back to YouTube and got the tip to install 4Shared, where I found it and installed. I am a bit puzzled by the fact that after only a few days it has accumulated a 60mb cache. Is it saving all the blocked content? I have cache cleaner but I only use it when responding to their prompts to free up space.

  8. Blether

    I won't say you are wrong but looking at a picture from different angles produces different views.

    First off, I studied the Japanese language for 4 years, including an initial 3 month immersion course on a Japanese campus. I studied Japanese history so I am aware of Perry's Black Fleet. I was taught it was a commercial invasion. The business of America is Business.

    The Japanese defeated the Imperial (seems everyone was into being Imperial in those days) Russian Navy twice. The unannounced attack on Port Arthur put paid to the Eastern Fleet. Russia responded by sending the Western Fleet from the Black Sea, a journey that took 6 months. The Japanese Imperial Navy met them in the Straits of Tsushima, sank the Russian Flagship and many others.

    The replacement of the Spanish in the Philippines was a result of the Spanish/American war in Cuba (Teddy being a prime instigator) amid claims of a possibly spurious attack on an American warship in Havana. Possession of the Philippines was a result of the peace treaty between Spain and America. There was resistance from the Filipinos to be sure. The Colt .45 was developed for that Theatre. America had already promised the Filipinos self-determination previous to the Pacific War.

    The Japanese desired all the society-building commodities still in demand today but possessed few of them. They wanted to join the Empire Club. After all, they said, they had been our allies in the First WW. Japanese destroyers patrolled the American and Canadian West Coasts to deter potential German submarine attacks.

    Singapore. The Australians were victims of British thinking that the Homeland was everything and Australia might have to be sacrificed. the Aussies were already fighting in N. Africa but wanted to bring their troops home. Churchill delayed.

    etc. smile.png

  9. I acquired a taste for Kewpie mayonnaise when I lived in China. It also has a following on a lot of food lover blogs.

    Their normal mayo tastes like real mayo, and their sweet mayo is like Miracle Whip, which I prefer to real mayo anyway.

    It's worth a try because it's much cheaper than the imported brands- and some claim it tastes fresher (whatever that means with mayo). And you can buy it in those goofy looking squeeze packages that make it look like a cheapo imitation, and do cost less than the glass jars.


    Just double check you are buying the one with no sugar. Says so on the bag. Buy the large bag at Makro or smaller package at many places. Very good mayo.

  10. To clarify, for those not familiar, Doritos are nacho chips as the name would imply. That is, they are corn chips, cut in a triangular shape.

    Yes I care. Otherwise I would not have missed them so much....tongue.png

    The price is not quite as bad as imported. I have paid about 100 baht/192 gr. for the Australian and bought the American version in Villa for 190baht/192 gr.

    Here they are 28baht/88 gr.

  11. Did I miss something? How was the victim injured?

    A very good question! A fit footballer and his presumably fit gf get beaten up by a scared 16-year old skinny Thai kid?!

    Newbie question. If you have been here any length of time you would know the routine. Yanking a bag away from a rider or pillion almost always causes a crash. I hate these little bastards.

    • Like 1
  12. you should do some research before posting nonsense. Israel has sold weapons systems to PRC. Also previously to a number of questionable regimes in Africa. Israel is now ranked around 6th in value of worldwide weapons sales.

    "The Jewish state, recipient annually of $3 billion in U.S. aid, is second only to Russia as a weapons provider to China, U.S. congressional investigators say".

    Common sense should be used sometimesrolleyes.gif

    Israel is US biggest ally in terms of weapons amongst many other things and rest assured Israel never sold anything "real or of value" to China

    As a matter of fact, no sale takes place without US approval or involvement one way or another

    I am going to jump in without checking my facts and rely on memory...(not always the way to go but LC sounds so sure..)

    Did not Israel provide the essentially complete stealth tech and airframe for China's latest jet? I'm sure they did! The Americans were/are not happy about this...

  13. AnnaZed

    The moderators on this forum are pretty attentive to these kind of stories, as they tend to bring out the worst in a particular sub-set of users. These are people with little or no compassion for their fellow-man, and no appreciation of the distress their idiotic assumptions and characterizations will cause to friends and family looking for information.

    As usual, most decent people have nothing more to add than condolences. You have mine.

    • Like 1
  14. But.....

    He's Canadian! smile.png

    Funny though, when he married her there was about a 30 year age gap and she became the First Lady (we don't actually have that "title") at age 22. Most people in Canada gave him kudos for scoring a beautiful young wife.

    Marriage didn't last as she cracked under the strain of having to "adjust herself" to her social position. Not before having three sons though.

    Canada would be better off with him as PM rather than the GWB jr. we are suffering with at present.. However, his son is currently the front-runner to head his father's former political party, so we will probably see Trudeau Part Deux.

  15. I don't know how many replies you will get, but mine is probably all you will need.

    About 18 months ago, while on a visit to Canada, I bought a higher-end consumer camcorder. I paid about C$450 or about Bt.13,500 including a 32GB class 10 (fastest) micro-SD card.

    Canon Vixia HFR21. HD1080p, 30fps. Mic input, 32GB built in flash memory. 20X optical zoom. Seamless switch from built-in to card storage. It had very good reviews. You're looking at Canon, JVC or Sony for these specs but not the cheaper models.

    Canon sells the same camcorder here under a different name but same specs. It sells for between 18-20,000 baht. There are less expensive models from these manufacturers, still HD 1080p for 12-13,000 baht.

    I bought because watching 1080p on my tv convinced me I could be a digital Spielberg, due to the quality of the image. biggrin.png

    I've probably shot 15 minutes with it. The editing software is not fun. sad.png

  16. As Harry notes, Chiang Mai was definitely "up-country" in the '70's and the random robbing of buses was a hazard.

    Cannabis in the form of hashish was the drug of choice for most travelers, though an unfortunate few fell prey to harder stuff. This applied to the India, Pakistan, Afghanistan nexus. Thailand was different with their Thai-Sticks and heroin, both being freely available and cheap. Thai-Stick and Double O Globe. The book "The Politics of Heroin" was released in that time-frame, detailing Air America aka certain American government agencies' role in facilitating the movement of Guns and Drugs in SEA.

    Fast-forward 40+ years. I recently read an article pointing out that SEA is now increasingly out-of -step with the West regarding drug policy. Mandatory death penalties and long jail terms are now the norm in several countries, while the West is increasingly moving towards relaxation of the prohibitionist approach.

    In Canada, domestically-produced cannabis is the largest cash crop in British Columbia, worth an estimated C$7 billion , far out-pacing the traditional lumber and fisheries industries. That is just one of our 10 provinces and the pot business is well-entrenched in each of the others, adding up to significant economic impact. In these economic times, government messes with numbers like that at their peril. The recent complete legalization vote in Washington State and Colorado will no doubt negatively affect those numbers, as much product went south.

    Legalize and tax is the new mantra.

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