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Posts posted by bobbin

  1. Is he pitching or catching? and wouldnt this be better in the gay section of TV?

    Ladyboy topics about straight men being into ladyboys are not gay forum topics.

    That sounds like propaganda...not sure from what side though.

    Really JT, do you get to set the terms of the discussion? Unless someone has surgically intervened, there are two penis people involved. Take it from there..

    And it doesn't matter to me, so no agenda. It just seems like what you are saying is intellectually dishonest.

  2. Here's a review from the Telegraph in UK.

    Too bad the Korean bike manufacturers haven't set their sights on the Thai market. I think most of us would be more comfortable considering Korean before Chinese makers (although they are coming and getting better). Note that Daelim started out as a Honda-licensed manufacturer.


    4,000 pounds (Bt.200,000) for the CBR250!

  3. Why are you even working out that late - do you not know anything about your body and its processes? For a person involved in fitness you are way on the wrong path and working against yourself. You brain releases melatonin from the pituitary gland in the brain when light fades. It does this to slow everything down thus getting you into sleep mode. It shuts down metabolism (thus try not to eat large or late), and to 'wake up' your body by physical exercise at that time is not very smart.

    Up to you - the headphones would also be my advice.

    I agree with this post.

    Unless you don't go to sleep until 2-3am, you're working out at the wrong time of day. For your body, not your neighbors.

    Headphones are the way to go also. Heavy metal next door to me in the evening would have me throwing things!

  4. Update

    With TwentyBaht's suggestion in mind, i set off to TukCom Pattaya to try my luck. No one had any spare parts for ZTE phones. In looking around, I found that the next step up to 1Ghz dual-core was in the Bt.8000 range. sad.png

    Back to Tesco-Lotus. No ZTE phones on display but on asking at service desk, turns out they still had a few in stock at the same price..Bt.1990. Now I have two! I'll never have to worry about spare parts...aside from the screen. biggrin.png

    Seriously though, the service centre is here in Pattaya, so I'm going to give them the cracked-screen phone and they can send it back to China if it's going to be Bt.1000 or less to replace. 2-4 weeks? no problem...

  5. As I posted earlier, I"m betting all will be back to normal by 10am tomorrow..

    I wonder if they did it deliberately, before setting off on their holiday weekend. Block a significant but not wide-spread category so the rest is able to tick along with lots of headroom. There were/are probably no network guys there at all!

  6. Yes, barely two weeks since buying my first Android phone, it all ended with a crash.

    I dropped it, cracking the screen.... w00t.gif

    It works but looks bad. Not cost-efficient to replace a screen on a Bt.2000 phone. Ten years carrying a mobile and I've never dropped one.

    Now if, this was a high-end Gorilla-Glassed phone, that would have been a non-event. Problem is that I don't feel Thailand is quite ready for smartphones after my admittedly short time with one. So I'm not prepared to shell out for a high-end phone at this time.

    What I mean by the above is that in the more developed markets there is much more "support" for them. Use the GPS for restaurants, dry-cleaners etc. It's one of the most used functions. That's why the big boys are fighting it out over mapping. Google is for now the main player, with Apple bringing their own version to iOS 6. Google Navigation doesn't work in Thailand, not off-line anyway! Pay bills with NFC. etc etc.

    So, instead of using this cheaper phone for 6-12 months while the phones add better hardware and lower prices, I'll have to buy another one in this or similar price brackets. Since I will have effectively doubled my price entry point by having to buy two of them in quick succession, so much for "cheap" experimentation.

  7. Odds are they'll be back online by 10am Tuesday morning. whistling.gif

    3BB can get bad on long weekends for stuff like this. Everybody takes the weekend off, including the guys who keep it working....

    No need to change suppliers, they are normally friendly. 1MB+ is the norm for me.

  8. Sorry I have to ask, what grounds do you have for a complaint, basically they are blocking a site that carries out illegal activities? I left the supplier for the exact same reason about 12 months ago, they weren't blocking it but throttling any torrents I was downloading.

    Surprised you took the trouble to respond. tongue.png

    And to the poster above you, if you have to ask what those sites are, it obviously doesn't affect you, so why worry?

  9. But if I had the choice of a bike I saw 30 times a day or a bike I saw twice a month, all things being equal I'd take the latter -

    The fact the Ninja is a beautiful looking bike and the CBR looks like a dogs dinner is also a factor, plus the sportier nature, higher top speed, higher hp of the Ninja etc.

    Ah, but all things aren't equal, are they? $$$$$ tongue.png

    If Kawasaki actually prices it at Bt.160,000+, then they've missed the boat and deserve the resulting dismal sales figures. And this time it won't be because there was no Honda 250 to gauge price against.

    Honda could do well though to take a leaf from Kawasaki's colour schemes. I was not happy they kept the same colours from 2011 into the "2012" (come on Honda, same colours. no updates...it's the same bike!) It's the paint scheme that makes the look, not the shape of fairing.

  10. Yes, i have a chopper and i think they displayed an ungodly poor judgement,

    none with any sense of manner do that when it can be assumed people sleep.

    btw i donno if sound save lives, but it did save me from an accident,

    as the thai-guy in front of me intended to make a right-turn without signal,

    but came to remember to turn his signal ON as he heard my bike.

    He hadn't even position himself right so i was about to take over

    You sound like a reasonable fellow poanoi, so I'll try to be gentle... smile.png

    Sounds can save lives, but usually the sound is made by a horn, which comes into play intermittently, unlike the always-on pipes.

  11. You want to put a new contact in via the touch screen. Ok

    Click on contacts then click the left button or the + icon on screen. it should come up "new contact " click on that then fill in the details.

    sent from my Wellcom A90+

    That's the procedure when I'm looking at an "unknown" number that's called me? As posted, I've already been able to create a new contact, just not from the call log (missed calls).

    OK, now I've got to get someone not in my Contacts list to call me so I can try this out. smile.png

  12. It looks like h90 is stealing my spotlight, as he is attracting many more responses! biggrin.png

    I have read all through the forums (here and GPS) and I think I know what my options (free and paid) are for Navigation. I will probably try out OSMand then Locus Pro.

    There was one thread where lomatopo mildly chastised another poster, who said he only used home wifi for internet, saying net access was what it's all about. Well, so far I'm not impressed by the small-screen net experience. Better I'm sure on Samsung Note! I'm not a FB or Twitter user btw.

    It's this Contact problem that's at the top of my list right now. Used to be, I'd get a phone number (usually exchanged with new friend) and have the easy option to save and name. Most recently I was reduced to writing the new unknown number on a piece of paper and then going into contacts (either one) and creating a new contact! Say it isn't so.... sad.png

    I read today that 1Gb is good for 50,000 text only emails and 5000 web pages. Way more than I'll ever do, so maybe paying ad-hoc rate of Bt.1 per minute is better than paying for a plan I never consume.

  13. I bought a ZTE RacerII last week for Bt.1990. Spec for spec (aside from processor) same as a Samsung Galaxy Y, which sells for Bt.4700. Entry-level unit to allow me to discover a new technology.

    Made the newbie mistake of failing to turn off data (default on) the first night and awoke to find I had wiped out about Bt.300 of pre-paid time. Ad-hoc internet rate of Bt.1 per minute!

    So after a week of YouTube and internet tutorials, I'm more up to speed. Loaded the phone with Go SMS Pro, Go Contacts, Go Launcher EX and data-monitoring app. Installed FoxFii for wifi hotspot. Dolphin HD browser as well.

    I bought a 1GB per 30 day data package.

    Yesterday I went online (via wifi at home) and spent a few minutes using Dolphin. I like the voice search function... A somewhat underwhelming experience with that small 2.8 screen, but the famous IPhone is only a bit bigger so can't be that much better.

    So I'm sitting here thinking "Is that all there is?"

    I don't like either the stock Contacts or Go's version. How do I save an unknown number and give it a name (my latest new friend)? Neither one seem to do it as easily as my old feature (dumb) Samsung.

    Oh yeah.. no easy GPS solution for Thailand. There goes a major geek feature I was looking forward to using. I do have a Garmin stand-alone but don't carry that around in my pocket or even use it much in Pattaya as I know where I'm going after 10 years here.

    I don't think I'll be doing much internet on this phone, so whats left? My home setup is so much superior.

    Maybe I should have stuck with the old phone and bought one of those Chinese tablets. I saw a 10 inch with 3G, wifi and IceCreamSandwich for Bt.6600 at Tesco yesterday. That would at least not be painful to use for the net.

    Experienced non-business users please feel free to fill in the gaps for me!

  14. I've waited a long time to be asked this question...tongue.png

    So long, in fact, I've forgotten most of the answer!

    Many years ago, I read a book by an Austrian colonel (Col. Most) who specialized in Schutzhund training for dogs.

    Basically, it involved tying a chicken onto a conductive material (chicken wire?) and connecting to large battery. He claimed chicken nervous system was not much disturbed by this treatment.

    Dog sees and grabs chicken. The dancing begins! Dog no longer interested in chickens....

    Seriously though, this can be a capital offense for a dog, which might have had considerable time put into training, so warranted an effective intervention.

    Lastly, I actually saw this book for sale in a Pattaya bookshop a few years back...

  15. The thing to remember when you read a post from one of the "hang 'em high" brigade is that they are most likely over 70 years of age and are victims of 45 years of propaganda. Not to mention hypocrites, if they have ever done anything illegal (yes, almost everything is illegal these days), or drink alcohol even occasionally.

    Those of us who are younger have grown up with the Drug War and seen for ourselves the futility and obscene financial and human cost. The Drug War is a failure.

    Our eyes are open.

    • Like 2
  16. should have served 30 years.. He got off easy

    what a heartless plonker you are, the judicial system in this country is pathetic, 5 cops torture and murder a 17 year old kid and get bailed even after being found guilty, yet a misguided farang deals a few drugs and gets 30 years and you think he got off lightly ............ you're a joke mate


    You have been judged by your peers.

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