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Posts posted by bobbin

  1. To me this is insane because the amount they pay out for votes can be many thousands of Baht for very little pay but then again I suppose there are other perks.

    Because once in office they accept ridiculously overpriced construction projects and pay way over the top for land purchases; and rake in huge kick backs for doing it, not to mention going on all expenses paid vacations around the world every month.


    Somehow I doubt village officials get much opportunity for this kind of thing. Benefits will be a bit closer to home, methinks.

  2. When I first arrived in Thailand to live 12 years ago, (though first visited in 1971), I quickly had my fill of Brits. At least the ones in the majority, the overly-tatooed, shaven (or naturally bald) headed version. It was so bad, that I used to joke that it was obvious the British Gov't was up to it's old tricks . The difference being this time, the detritus were paying their own air fare... tongue.png

    Changes in the visa policy slashed their numbers, leaving the old Brits in the majority.. They are a lot closer to the days of the Raj, in fact were born with it as a reality. If they could graft the weather, women and cost of living onto England, they would be there in a flash. But many Brits were adventurous enough to make their lives in the outer Empire and left many fine institutions and assorted infra-structure behind when they left (voluntarily for the most part).

    Not saying Thailand was part of the Empire mind you. The recently arrived (now 3rd and 4th gen) Chinese have that role here...

    • Like 1
  3. Come on. This is a no-brainer..

    The age-group of the women I'm sure you are looking at biggrin.png , coincides with Thailand's increasing prosperity.

    Thin always meant poor in Asia...and Africa and probably anywhere else that money buys food. Farmers should do OK, but then what about the slim(not all!) maidens of Issan? Seen so many arrive in Metropolis and 3 months later they've packed on 5 kilos. w00t.gif

    More (disposable) money.

  4. Yes, the advice to leave the gold chain at home is the best advice. Missed adding that in.

    i was cured of my need to wear a gold chain when a Bangkok lass managed to undo the clasp and put it aside while doing the deed. whistling.gif When she saw I hadn't realized it was no longer around my neck, she was quick in departing with her booty laugh.png (couldn't resist that one)

    All in all though, better than being coshed in the head!

  5. Sounds to me like you have a death wish. I find your actions not only provocative but very dangerous and stupid to be blunt.

    This is the kind of thing/person that the BIB do NOT want around here. Riding your "expensive" bike around with a gold chain and an iPhone on your belt is just asking for it.

    It's great to have a nice gold chain on back in your home country maybe but everyone here knows that Pattaya is NOT the place to flaunt your riches nor is anywhere in Thailand.

    Your tactics regarding playing the "Steven Seagal" role instead of just yelling for help, calling the police on your iPhone or riding away at a fast speed makes us farangs look bad.


    Why the touche (can't get the thingy)? Gone, you called this one wrong...

    He can't outrun them on a bicycle. If he called the police, could he make himself understood? (I speak Thai. Not one of my friends do, not enough to explain the situation anyway.) Call for help? A low probability tactic in most countries...

    He had a plan. conceived in a time of stress perhaps, but a plan. No ordinary snatch and grab (or kick you off your vehicle) here. They came back again and again. ( I hate those guys with a passion. Seen too many people bloodied for a few baht. They are not just robbers, they don't care, in fact intend to hurt you)

    Well done OP to get out of that with as little damage as you did.

    Now to set them up.... smile.png

  6. Wasn't really asking anything.

    Simply expressing my views about something new (to me at least) I'd encountered since delving into Android with my first unit.

    For a prophet, you are not very prescient....laugh.png

    A fellow looking for a lot of opinions and answers on a topic unfamiliar to them should avoid antagonizing the people trying to answer their questions.

    You are also p®etty territorial about your threads...

    Remember "don't hijack my thread, start your own!"? whistling.gif

    • Like 1
  7. I read about Otterbox before, so went to their website. Unfortunately, though they have a great reputation for protecting your investment, they only make cases for a very few, top-selling phones.

    Even the more basic covers in Tuk-Com are only available for a few models, mainly popular Samsung phones and iPhones.

    I would guess in a couple of years, most smartphones will come with Gorilla Glass (now up to version 2) or something similar.

  8. Update:

    I was just reading the post wondering at screen replacement costs of SG2, with quotes coming in at Bt.4500-6000, and it reminded me to update this thread.

    The service centres eventually turned out to be in the AIS building in Sri Racha and at AIS in Chonburi Central Mall. I took mine into Sri Racha and though they had apparently never seen a ZTE phone (in the front offices), they accepted it and said they would call in a week or so with the repair quote. One week later they called and said it would be Bt.1100 to replace the screen. Would I confirm? I did, and 3 days later they called back and said it was ready. Just like new and provided the broken screen as well. Not bad. smile.png

  9. Some people are upset they don't control vocabulary....

    Some people instigate, then run away....

    Some people have poor reading comprehension....

    Other posters have taken the trouble to explain that the word "object" is not necessarily a pejorative.

    There are two genders. It's necessary for them to interact. Saying that's "yucky" doesn't make it so......

    Edit: Had not seen lovelomsak's post. Read it and learn....

  10. Subject? Object?

    I thought we were talking about women......

    phu, I thought I stuck enough emoticons in there to signify a certain playfulness in my response. Were we not talking about social interaction? First spotted, then wanted. It's not the wanting but the desiring party that's the problem, yes?

    I get it. Fat girls have hit on me....whistling.gif

  11. I really dislike when I see men looking at women like their sex objects or pieces of meat. It's absolutely disgusting.

    This is just my opinion so don't start flaming me for it. smile.png

    No flame phu.. (Couldn't spell the whole thing without constantly looking back biggrin.png )

    But...to men, women are sex-objects....

    To say "pieces of meat" cheapens our natural interest! tongue.png

    Your comment makes me lose faith in the male gender.

    Oh yee of little faith...biggrin.png

    Just doin' what comes naturally...

    Disguising it so it isn't obvious (what's wrong with that?) is a "learned skill"..

    "Man is a poor dissembler; woman is much more skilful in concealing her desire. If all the men agreed that they would never more make the first advance, the women would soon be fawning at our feet."

    "Whether a pretty woman grants or withholds her favours, she always likes to be asked for them."

    Ovid. Ars Amatoria (The Art of Love)

  12. I really dislike when I see men looking at women like their sex objects or pieces of meat. It's absolutely disgusting.

    This is just my opinion so don't start flaming me for it. smile.png

    No flame phu.. (Couldn't spell the whole thing without constantly looking back biggrin.png )

    But...to men, women are sex-objects....

    To say "pieces of meat" cheapens our natural interest! tongue.png

    • Like 1
  13. Tony appears to be very egotistical, you think he would want to have the BEST gym in Pattaya, not an assortment of poorly maintained sweat gyms with broken down equipment. It doesn't make him look good.

    You would think so, but it's a nice little earner for him, with minimal re-investment. sad.png

    • Like 1
  14. Do you have to prick the yolk with a toothpick first?

    I heard eggs explode if you don't do that...

    Gone, chill bro, that Florida lemonade is easily found. As for crumpets, seen 'em, and asking staff is a joke... How long have you been here? Up and down the aisles, look in every freezer, that's how it's done. smile.png

  15. I've come late to the thread and have only skimmed previous posts. Enough to see that the usual stalwart defenders of the United States and it's imperialist running dog censored (heard this phrase again a couple of days ago and remembered it fondly. smile.png It has a certain ring to it..) have taken their position versus all-comers. You know, the ones who aren't retired U.S. government employees, knee-jerk "my country, right or wrong" patriots etc.

    I'm pleased he's made it this far. Unfortunately, he is no longer living as a free man, and won't be until a possibly drawn-out (by his opponents, who are pleased he is, at least for now, warehoused) solution is found to the diplomatic impasse.

    Having said that, I also acknowledge JA is lucky not to be up against some other governments who would certainly have disappeared him long ago. Pour encourager les autres....

    He's got big cojones. At least at the time he decided to release what he had. Now, he's just trying to survive the process. I'm sure he anticipated negative fallout from his actions, but when they really turn up the heat, theoretical goes out the window.

    • Like 1
  16. So a random (though in the majority) self-identified gay is not attracted to a male person( with a male body +/- breasts) because the ladyboy presents and acts female. But will be male when naked......

    You're way behind the times. A ladyboy will not be male when naked. Apart from the penis, they will appear female. Do you have any idea of how many surgical and non-surgical procedures are available to transsexuals these days... apart from the female hormones they have at their disposal.

    Thanks to the internet and torrents and Kink.com, I have an excellent idea of what several of them look like! Kink just started a new website called TS P----Hunters.

    And you know what? Something stands out!

    What? Hey, it's free! (am i allowed to say that?)

  17. Men who actually self identify as homosexuals are for the MOST part not the slightest bit interested sexually in ladies or ladyboys. Homo means same. Ladyboys present as opposite. Of course there are always exceptions.

    This could get interesting...

    So a random (though in the majority) self-identified gay is not attracted to a male person( with a male body +/- breasts) because the ladyboy presents and acts female. But will be male when naked......

    Are gay men only interested in a male personality, not the body? Somehow I doubt that. Then there is the effeminate, but not presenting as female, gay men. What percentage of gay men are attracted to masculine but not effeminate men? And vice-versa.

    Edit: Just saw that JT has started to address this point.

  18. Is he pitching or catching? and wouldnt this be better in the gay section of TV?

    Ladyboy topics about straight men being into ladyboys are not gay forum topics.

    That sounds like propaganda...not sure from what side though.

    Really JT, do you get to set the terms of the discussion? Unless someone has surgically intervened, there are two penis people involved. Take it from there..

    And it doesn't matter to me, so no agenda. It just seems like what you are saying is intellectually dishonest.

    I disagree. It does not belong in the gay forum. Jingthing's perspective on this topic is invaluable because gay men are just not into ladyboys.

    The response to this topic indicates it's of major interest to heterosexuals.

    But JT is only one gay man. Admittedly, I have a gay friend who shares JT's viewpoint, so that makes two gay men. tongue.png

    My real point is why gay men don't want to let ladyboys into the "club"?

    It's a little like immigration. Once settled and comfortable, many immigrants (Canada, Australia etc) want to raise the drawbridge...

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