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Everything posted by transam

  1. I gave you a larf, for that............😂
  2. "Genius".............Now come on, if he were a genius he would not have a very long list of court cases to deal with..........I think he's more of a.............With a touch of.....🤪..........
  3. No, if the voters wanted a nutter in the big chair, up to them, Russia's got one too.......🤗
  4. I have none on ignore, reading odd posts is all part of a forum, so I wouldn't feel honoured if I were you...........
  5. Experiment.....
  6. Well said, R.R..........
  7. Yeh, riiiiiiiight, what happened after his shop changing room strategy plan..........🤭
  8. Surrender, where did you get that from, the same way you got, "I will end it in 24 hours"..........🤭
  9. "Chess Master".................😆 "They're eating the cats and dogs".................
  10. Trump says a lot, then steps back when sensible folk tells him his error, let's wait and see, I mean, his 24 hour fix has been weeeell forgotten by many on here, eh..........🤭
  11. The Weirdo's do need somewhere to go, chap..........😉
  12. It's transam, chap, and remember, most stuff on here will go right over your head, but don't worry about it, eh......🤕
  13. WWII, USSR had signed a non-aggression pact with Hitler, if Hitler hadn't changed his mind and attacked them, Russia would not be seen... Try reading up on history........🙄
  14. You seem to be doing a lot of guessing again, comrade, and not a single word regarding your hero's murderous unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. As for your dummy, I suggest you don't pass it on, you still need it....🤔
  15. That explains a lot regarding a certain person...................
  16. Indeed, and quite tiresome.........🥱
  17. And the World and Trump voters are now all ..........🥺...............Except a few on here who don't actually live there.........🤭
  18. Is that your next hero, sounds Italian to me......................
  19. Do you ask them all their political persuasion, or are you just guessing again...........? 🤔
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