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Everything posted by transam

  1. It seems you think you are..Sue..........🤕
  2. Eeeer, bignok, Dolf, can't think of the other comeback names....🤔
  3. But they might not like you, or think you're a yob, as LOS restaurants seem too...
  4. And sheep, so I here.....😘
  5. Ask susanlea, he knows everything......🤭
  6. How does an Aussie like you know so much that goes on in the USA. Try responding in more than one line..........🤔
  7. Don't you mean, dribbling.....
  8. Yeh, that was funny, he had a bigger crowd than Martin Luther King.....😂 MLK, 250,000, Trump, 25,000 and half were outside the venue, so I read, because they would not go through the metal detector....🤭
  9. So, have you anything a tad more important.....🤔
  10. Yeh but, she's crackers..."North Korea".....
  11. When he's removed, though sadly for him, he is and sticks out like a sore thumb.........😒
  12. What on earth are you talking about, dolf........🙄
  13. Oh no, he's back...........
  14. Thought you might.... Do I know where it is, of course, to the east of Germany, the place is run by a dictator........🤔
  15. Your lot, the foreign folk you always protect on here, you should know that by now.........🙄...........
  16. What about your lot, told to put their weapons in the nearest Mosque to not risk being arrested by a police adviser, of some sort..........🤣 It's on video................😆
  17. Yeh, safe as houses.........🤣
  18. Are you smoking some dodgy stuff..........🤔 Your comparison should be with Russia & Hitler...😬
  19. Eh...?
  20. Not another Red member, surely not...............
  21. Willie Brown was not in a helicopter with Trump that made an emergency landing...........FACT.......😂 I don't care what Putin told you.........
  22. No, YouTube, taken on a phone watching your chums being British.......🤣
  23. Jeremy hits the nail on the head, bravo......

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