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Everything posted by transam

  1. For my daily revelations.........😉
  2. Yeh, he does that all the time, yet he "covers" Muslim wrong doing with excuses. Typical lefty.....😬
  3. Yet another rather stupid post from the Aussie..........
  4. Strange you should mention 'idiotic', as it is a word I would use for your posted stuff, but, that is just my opinion.......🤔
  5. No, caddying in Scotland, annoying his distant family........😂
  6. Some bird wrote that 3 years back, probably on a retainer...........😂 We wash double size duvets in our 8kg Samsung...😉
  7. My father was given the job of Regimental Sergeant Major Class1, in 1943 he was 21, he never did any special training, he was chosen because of his schooling, when WWII ended he went straight back to his job... It was temporary, but he did his job as an RSM..So knocking someone for a temporary post, is a bit off..🤔 I still have his uniform RSM arm badge.... ☺️
  8. No its not, it's written in English..........😉
  9. The UK even had the Communist Party in attendance at the General election...😂 Probably handing out pamphlets on how not to grow to many cabbages..........🤣
  10. Is there a "Trump school for Degrading Folk" for Trumpettes to be tutored in...? 🤨 I just thought Dolf might have attended.......😏
  11. What, his criminal stuff....?
  12. Go and read your own posts on the Ukraine threads......
  13. Not my chums, the naughty are just yobs doing what yobs do, any excuse for a riot, guessing again Joe, you are confused. Hmmmmm, now I thought we just had a spate of Muslim demonstrations against Israel on the UK streets, yes loads of masked Muslims doing their thing. So don't come the ol' "Look at this", try thinking a bit more, eh...🤭
  14. Off-topic money stuff that you worry about, funny B.S...🙄 You applaud Putin for doing even worse...FACT.. Hypocrite...😤
  15. "Far Right".....😂 They are brainless yobs using any excuse to destroy something.... Don't give them credit with a posh name.....🤣
  16. Another guess from a Putin supporter that applauds the bombing and burning down of old ladies digs....... Hypocrite.....
  17. What racists on here ?. Once again, you are assuming and guessing.....🙄 AND, Enoch was right, otherwise the UK, Germany, Denmark and others would not all be in the same boat (excuse the pun)........🤔
  18. So you think a Political Party being blown up for nothing should be ignored without a word from other free nations......? 🤔
  19. They were told that if they did, Dolf would take the p_ss out of them on the Internet, because that's all the Aussie does...
  20. Most are against the "right wing" yobs, me too, I refer to them as just that, yobs, brainless Brits, but, that has nothing to do with mass immigration, which is stifling many countries for being "nice"... The UK is not alone with the big immigration problem, many are not mixing and towns turned into their own ghetto's. Germany, Denmark and others all have the spongers moving in, 99% financial immigrants.. Thailand is basically a Buddhist nation, children are taught from a very early age the rituals, I know, and no doubt the same thing happens in the Muslim community. I was brought up in a Christian UK, religion reigned way back then, but thankfully that seems to have now gone, but not the Muslims, after all, their book has stated, Christians are the enemy, hmmmm, I wonder why they come to Christian countries then, can you answer that...? 🤔
  21. Steady on, ol' chap, neither robbed an old lady..........🤔
  22. Isn't that the dole office.................🤭

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