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Everything posted by transam

  1. Didn't Russia (USSR) supply weapons to those wanting Communism forced on the South in Vietnam and N.Korea........ ? Isn't the free world helping Ukraine remain a sovereign nation from the Russian aggressor...?...........🤗 No need to show me a bloke setting himself on fire, I am not religious, perhaps you are....................🤔
  2. Yeh, riiiight...............Says the Putin fanboy...........🤭
  3. Do you fear we know you are an American, I am English, I am honest, you are not...🤔
  4. That's what you think, all you do is go off-topic onto a lefty Tory bash......🥴 We ALL know you do, you, an American ?.......
  5. Think you need another forum for all that, try "vintage stuff info"......😂 Tell me what is wrong with having 6 SDD's connected to my motherboard.....🤭
  6. After reading that lot, your true self has come to the fore, and it ain't pretty......😬
  7. ....and Angela Rayner is coming to the rescue..................😆
  8. You forget, I am not the only one that reads your constant, lefty, Tory bashing..... Plain for all to see for many a year. Are you from the USA, a simple yes or no will do.....................? 😉
  9. Both sides are losing young men for Putin's dream, nothing else. I feel sorry for the Russian folk, their country has been ostracized, the countries move to real freedom has collapsed, gone backwards in no time, and all for what, one man's land grab dream....🥴
  10. No, all you do is trash the Tory party on ANY thread, you are a joke, I don't even think you are British, just a lefty........
  11. The anti-Brit bloke, or is it bird, has turned up.............
  12. Why, they do show how it is in Ukraine, and the mess Putin's forces are making of it, now running out of Generals, all getting the sack or worse.........🥺
  13. You could try a better class of restaurant in BKK........🤗
  14. Anyone in the UK can pay the fee, even someone here with an OK card. All they want is the card details, doesn't have to be you...
  15. Did you forget the USSR signed a non-aggression treaty with Germany in 1939........🤣
  16. Putin's Russia has taken over from Nazi Germany, I would have thought even YOU could see that.....🥴
  17. Are you puffing on stuff...........😵
  18. Didn't Russia (USSR) supply arms and more to Vietnam, N.Korea when the West were trying to help the free south's......🤭 Don't you see the similarity........
  19. You've got some front talking about trolling.............😂
  20. I am surprised a few on here don't like hamburgers.......🤔
  21. I think that is just your imagination..........😋
  22. I am happy you don't............Well done......

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