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Everything posted by transam

  1. Weeell, Mrs.T was upset when she said the babe has Covid, is in an isolation room with mum & dad. They sent us vids of him, looks OK, waiting for more info.. 🤗 If They have all made a mistake, you never know, I will report back...😉
  2. But, you are assuming your thought is fact........🤔 So you take the p_ss when an old lady loses everything, when that could well be the actual fact........🤐
  3. Is this the right thread for a joke......? 🤔
  4. That sort of comment usually comes from a cornered individual....... Now if you want to post pro-Russian stuff then you should have the ball's to deal with replies from mainly pro-freedom members.........😉
  5. Says a UK born deserter to Germany...........🤔
  6. A Rusky point of view.............😂
  7. My step grandson, 9 months old was not well, they took him to hospital (He is insured) for a check-up. He tested positive for Covid, which strain I don't know. We are all a bit mystified as to how he contracted it, as he has a pretty sheltered life. Thankfully, he is dealing with it OK, they hope he will be able to go home sometime this week..🤗
  8. Don't I know you.......? 🤔
  9. Well, no, me not wanting to be brainwashed, like yourself, has nothing to do with being ignorant, in fact the opposite. But you carry on, it can be amusing.......🤭
  10. I added a "ha" just for you, you're so funny......😂 As for ignorant, I don't think so, I haven't been brainwashed into your Communism thingy, as you have.........🤭
  11. Thanks for what, you seem to be the forums "tool", which sadly we have to put up with. Did you ageing boyfriend dump you, by any chance...? 🤔
  12. It would seem you have a daily thing about "Grandpa's" here, are you a bit kinky about the elderly gentlemen scene.....😘
  13. Try wandering out from your cave, dolt........Even 7/11 does hotdogs.........🙄
  14. Be honest, are you embarrassed by McTrumps court cases...You know, paying out millions for a shag in a shop changing room, now a court case over paying a hooker to be quiet that he has a problem with a wayward todger, and the Prezzy vote was all fixed...Let's hear it..........? 🤗
  15. Raymond, don't let your mum know you wrote that.........
  16. Black, brown or white he could see the future, he was 100% right. Now what did that new councillor shout, was it............."Allaha Akbar"...😂
  17. The law is, you must have red plates, you can use them for 30 days before having a problem with the BiB.... If me, I would go to the LTO and get a police waver notice in case you are pulled. Let them know you were not given red plates...
  18. In your country, Russia, folk are in fear of their life saying something out of turn, even an opponent for the top job was killed... But you carry on, I enjoy reading your stupidity...........
  19. I do wonder why you haven't gone to Russia, I mean you just love the way things are there, or perhaps you did, and now retired in the Land of Smiles like me, so just come on here to let us know "where" you really come from, because you like being controlled by a thug....😋

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