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Everything posted by transam

  1. What a strange comment...........🤔
  2. You just don't like questions or points that just may burst your bubble.....🤔
  3. Perhaps the $ numbers don't add up for Apple, plus difficult when the Chinese are subsidising and stockpiling cheap cars... 🤗
  4. The Communist talks from his rickshaw..................😂
  5. Now chaps, stop having stamping tantrums because I don't want to make a comment. I will not be making a comment, so don't waste your time......😋
  6. Why should I share my thoughts with you or anyone else............
  7. Yes it is...............🤗
  8. I don't need to report my thoughts to you, either. My thoughts are my own......😉
  9. I must report to you because you say so........😂 I don't think so, JB.....
  10. He'll need those magic things in the trenches.........😱
  11. Good morning JB, and a lovely one it is too.............🤗
  12. What a crass comment, are you for real...................
  13. Who knows.................🤗
  14. How would you know that.........? 🤔
  15. PJ will not understand that...........
  16. OK, just checking, Monday and Tuesday are the worst days...😉
  17. Look whose shown up...................
  18. Dolt post..........Get a life, chap.......

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