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Everything posted by transam

  1. Aaah, the Putin fanboy is back, sadly..........
  2. Totally different scenario in Afghanistan. Gaza is chocker block with buildings, Hamas is using that to their advantage, Israel is doing its job the best way they can to eradicate the terrorist organisation.......🤔
  3. In every war civilians are caught up in it, my own mother was, bombed out of 2 houses by the Germans in London. There is no way a war can be conducted without civilian casualties, look at Putin's war, now he IS targetting civilian infrastructure, 100%, not much being said about that...
  4. Because they have too, different media world now, someone is always trying to take down someone........🤗 Look at Trumps mess............🤭
  5. Yep, very good, a couple of years back it took mine 15+ weeks....😢 Oh, did mine all by EMS post, everything done sitting at my desk with one visit to the post office...🤗
  6. I am sure you will provide us with proof regarding that statement......?
  7. I am sure you can prove that, to say it.....?....🤗
  8. That is evading the question. You are running down Israel for trying to win its war, yet you were in the RAF doing what you were told, which may have been attacking populated targets to get the job done..... The blokes in the Israeli air force are doing the same thing, what they are told to do. WWII, most of Europe, N.Korea, Vietnam, Bosnia, whatever, there were civilian casualties to win against aggression.. You cannot tell me any different...🤔
  9. Russian, Italian Restaurant................🤣 Mind you, with his firearms experience he will be welcomed with open arms back home.......
  10. Did your R.A.F. do the same to stop an aggressor, the military branch you signed up for.....? 🤔 Yes or No....
  11. Well, don't do it then, be trendy, wear a hat with corks on the rim, make a statement.......
  12. Does your Australia, no..........? 🤔 It is pointless asking you if you think Russians should get 60 days free, because we know you will say, yes................😂
  13. UK passports have just gone up again...😢
  14. You would know, thanks for telling us.........
  15. Could have been a Thai "Dick Turpentine".......🤭
  16. I think you can get that stuff anywhere..........😉
  17. It is rather silly to keep using the word "Genocidal/Genocide", because there is no genocide, there is a war where the country that started it are suffering casualties. Tell me, did your country ever commit "genocide" to deal with an aggressor....? 🤔
  18. Wrong thread, chum.........🤗
  19. Most of us know that, but then there are those like me that don't want to get on a plane a couple of times. An agent saves all that cr@p, for a 5000bht fee, no contest, but you carry on.....🤭
  20. Yes, I thought I knew you.........😉
  21. Don't I know you from somewhere..........? 🤔
  22. It has had no problem for 17 years, except had a new motor 2 years back. It is a Samsung... But, it still makes ice, though at the mo the motor does not stop during the day, at night I don't know, but the ice maker is always full...🤗
  23. Same for me, though up country. My fridge/freezer cannot keep up, my bedroom A/C is struggling, don't need electricity for the electric shower, water comes out hot. My 2 cats are near dead, the dog isn't much better, my electric has gone up by about 60%, via the f/f and bedroom A/C and fans, and folk come on here saying it is no different to any other year.....(tools).......🤔

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