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Everything posted by transam

  1. Perhaps the anti-British stance a certain Aussie on here has, was maybe the same in Aus, but one tool on here does not make the Aussie populace anti-British.............🤗
  2. The white SUV was clearly at fault. The video shows it was. If it were a woman with a pram crossing the road, the same outcome. SUV not slowing down for the junction, no caution for the junction, the driver should have known better....🤔
  3. This is a report we have been waiting for, regarding the financials. thanks..🤗
  4. Yeh, riiiiiiight.........
  5. The sand has salt in it.................🤗
  6. Is the drive-shaft, trans casing caked in sand, perhaps it was put up on a hoist for inspection, decided to strip a few things down, we don't know....🤗
  7. Well, he's not a good add for the place, though thankfully I have met a few Aussies here, that are nothing like the bloke, I bet a few Aussies on here cringe at his cr@p. What with him and the many guises of bignok, I right strange duo....
  8. Oh, we learn from an Aussie hi-so bloke............😂
  9. That's because you still use BRUT deodorant...........
  10. Yeh, I bet you would...................😂
  11. Yes, the mobility bike was obscured from the tool in the SUV as he sped through on the inside of the gray car............🤗 You can stand down now...........
  12. Is that all you worry about, a few trying to nick a few quid, try thinking of the bigger picture that the West and Russia's border countries are facing. In fact, Russia must be the most corrupt country on the planet, look how much Putin has amassed......🤗
  13. You're 'avin a laugh...............😆 Before 7/10 many Gazans crossed the border to work, visas for them were on the up, then came along your brigade, executing "any" nationality in their way. Now all that progress has been lost, lost for a very long time over the murder of the innocent.... But you carry on with your terrorist protectionism. 🤔
  14. Sorry, but on this subject, I don't agree with you at all..........😥
  15. Go on, shows your own press link...........
  16. Most are not............🤗
  17. You are lost, have no idea of the bigger picture.............🤔
  18. Add what you like, but did your country do worse to end the aggression of WWII...?🤔
  19. Your Hamas didn't worry about executions............
  20. Encounter.......
  21. TBL confused yet again, or just ant-Jew.......................
  22. Pelican.........

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