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Everything posted by transam

  1. Noooooooo, whodathought....................😱
  2. Well, I hate the knife man, whatever his reasons...........😝
  3. Andy Muslim has shown up.............😂
  4. You would know, eh Goaty, our resident expert on the subject, I wonder how..................😂
  5. Another antisemite has turned up, with nonsense........................
  6. Are you an elephant expert now, or a vet........? 🤔
  7. Deflection, much..............🤣........But expected.........🤗
  8. No you can't........
  9. Go ask him, perhaps now is all forgiven.......😘
  10. Twist my words, won't you, as usual......😂 You're bashing the USA, did you tag along in Vietnam...? Yes or No will do.......?
  11. No it's not, it's fact, they even brought out new fines to try and deal with it.............
  12. Were the pedestrian's "J" walking......? Was the driver being extremely cautious for these numpties...? Did he become extra cautious when he saw the farangy was wearing a wig around his mouth..............? 😂
  13. I think you are a bit confused, cobber.......🤔
  14. What about your Australia entering conflicts, backing and backing up the USA on the ground...? 😉 Let's not have a one-way street Goaty.......
  15. A supporter, of.......😉 Of course you know how the UK will house them all, too............🤭
  16. Build affordable homes to give to your asylum seekers, more like.......😃
  17. Where did the 5000bht a month room come from.....? Where did the watching animal abuse vids come from..? Where did the miserable and alone come from...? Sunbeam, I think you have a problem.........
  18. Or an old guy having a Rambo moment wiv his young bird.........
  19. Does he know how ridiculous his dyed beard looks.........😂 Or it could be a stick-on one..........🤔
  20. So why did he set up shop here, and is sweating to stay.......?
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