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Everything posted by transam

  1. I have no idea, but if your wife and kids were shot at point-blank range in front of each other whilst out having fun, what would you do, what would you say, what would you want done.........? 🤔
  2. Twisting, you can talk....................
  3. You have nowhere to go chap, in fact I think you are trolling now....🤨
  4. Indeed, terrorist with a price on their head probably using their kids as cover, well it is what they do, hide behind women and children...😏
  5. Are you ever going to realise none of this would be happening if your crew did not execute the innocent in cold blood on 7th October.........
  6. Then you should give us the full story.................😉
  7. Could be, I suppose the mileage date replacement is to cover themselves, they don't know how the engine will be used...🤗
  8. What they were doing was providing kit for thugs, to kill or maim. Lock 'em up Danno........😠
  9. 90,000 miles, not very good, is it.........😏 My Toyota, the timing belt replacement was at 90,000 miles........
  10. Engines can be rebuilt after warranty, longevity depends on the owner, and servicing, hence a shorter warranty. EV battery 8 years, owner is not involved, that is the manufacturers' deadline, if mileage is involved, it could be 4 years, and a big payout..😱
  11. Everything mechanical has moving parts, even an EV, did you forget....😉 ICE engines can be reconditioned, I have done many.... My friend has a 1969 Plymouth Barracuda 360ci (5.8), I rebuilt the engine for him, he's just moved down to Cornwall, he drove it there from London, he said it drove like a dream, I said the engine rebuild was OK then, he said, you rebuilt it 20 years ago........I said, blimey, time fly's......🤗
  12. I have many a time, Mrs.T even gave one some verbal once, but I don't think she said anything about him being on his smartphone to his face regard his old slappers, that is a bit of a p_ss take, a route that I don't think any of us would go down, unless one thinks they're special..............🧐......😂
  13. I sold my Toyota diesel 3.0 4x4 Auto at 11.5 years old, still went like rocket and didn't burn oil. The buyer still has it, now 17 years old, he keeps in touch. My d-in-law just sold a Honda Jazz, I think that was 17 years old, same story. Her dad has a Mitsu Spacewagon, I think that is 12 years old and still going strong. My thoughts are a 10 year old EV battery could fail at any time, it is fact that EV batteries do fail, businesses have started up to replace them. It would be a risky purchase, unless giveaway price...🤗
  14. Drop in sales, fields of unsold cars. I read VW is in trouble with EV's, folk turning back to ICE, must be a reason....🤒
  15. My ageing iPhone 6 Plus says battery is 100%.....🤭 A 10 year old EV car, got to be daft paying the same as a 10 year old ICE car........ I have no doubt they will be worthless unless manufacturers come up with an incentive to exchange. Though in the future, they must develope/design cassette type replacement batteries at a reasonable price, see what happens..🤨
  16. Thankfully, in his case, there are no hurdles...🤗
  17. I do my ol' friend's 90-day on my PC for him, as he is at death's door, done it a few times. In June, he needs to renew his extension, which is another hurdle to sort if he hasn't departed. 😢
  18. Oh yes we will, Brits will be left alone.......
  19. You have just wasted your time writing that, but I agree that the Ford pickup diesel engines are noisy, waaaaaay more than a Merc, Jag or BMW saloon car diesel...🤗 engines.
  20. Perhaps Israel is now covering all its bases.......🤗 But you carry on with your news source....😉
  21. What a fibber, try inside the cars............😂
  22. Obviously..............😝
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