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Everything posted by transam

  1. I believe he has fessed up, he is waiting to go on trial.........😉
  2. I think a bit strong chucking him out...........🤔 If his business(s) is squeaky clean, he can prove where his money comes from, he pays his dues for the assault, then carry on employing folk....🤗
  3. You are another who likes to call people liars, Mr. Proby...
  4. Pay attention now, this may be difficult for you, so take your time.... I don't drink Chang...😁
  5. Really, well here's one, for you.......... "Good morning, Goaty, and a lovely morning it is too". .................🤗
  6. Of course, you do, Ralphy..................................🤭
  7. Good morning Mr. Proby, Chang, nooo, I don't drink Chang, that's for folk like you that get 3/4 police tickets through the door every week........🤣
  8. That's a shame, my immigration office sends a no reply email message...😉
  9. Funerals in the UK are usually simple jobs, it is very different in LOS. Have you never seen the handing out of envelopes, the parties, the vigils and food at the Temple....? 🤗
  10. You would think that McTrumps mouth would bury him, surely those from top to bottom are tired of this wide boy..................🤔
  11. Not really put the boot in, but a foot contact with a lady Doctor will most definitely receive the boot in..........🥺
  12. Oh really, but then if you get clobbered, we would not hear a single word about it here, eh, keyboard tough guy...................😆
  13. Yeh, riiiiiiiiiight........🤭 But, if true, it would seem you are a danger to folk on the road. Nothing to be proud of, you are probably an accident waiting to happen, you have an accident, your world will come tumbling down when your HUNDREDS of bad driving tickets come to light....😱.............🤭
  14. Don't tell porkies, 75-100 tickets a year, one every 3 or 4 days................🤣
  15. Here is the thing you staple in the passport, note the date I applied, then the date of next report.
  16. Still confused, let me know what is confusing you, you can PM me if you are embarrassed.....😘
  17. I did read here, that the dots are lining up, non-payers will pay a fine for not coughing up. But if you are one of those who even dodges a few baht with the police, that is up to you, chap. You will not be alone, many dodgy geezers here in the L of S...........
  18. Someone is confused, I just did an online 90 day for my ol' chum, due on 22nd April, I did it on the 9th of April, the next 90 day report date is marked as 21st June........ 🤗
  19. Not really, but if one wants to be within the law, then one must pay up.............🤗
  20. Yes, they email you a reminder 14 days before due date, do it then, any probs you have will give you time to sort it, doing it early does not change the next report date...🤗
  21. You go put your foot on the back of a Thai lady Doctor and see what happens....😱 I don't care if you are another hi-so farangy, you will get burned.......😝
  22. About 4 years back, Mrs.T went to road tax her bike, they said, "Sorry, you must go to the police station to pay a parking fine", do that then come back". She said, "I haven't had a parking fine".. 🤔 She went to the police station to ask what it was about, out came a photo of her bike parked not close enough to the curb, she had to pay up. Went back and taxed her bike......😏
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