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Everything posted by transam

  1. Sounds like you have been cornered...................🤗
  2. You're 'avin a laugh.........😂 So 700 were executed, and why were the other 500 "legal" targets if Israel was not at war with Gaza......?
  3. You're blind then, or saw what YOU wanted to see..... So how come he has admitted the assault, offered to pay her off.....? No, don't answer that, you will come back with more nonsense.........😂
  4. The video, you've not seen the video....................? I think it's time for you to retire from this one, Bob..........😋
  5. That is not a very good dodge for you not knowing the facts........🤭
  6. He's admitted it..................🤣
  7. You are wrong, the land office did their thing and found they were on public land.😁
  8. So you are defending Dave the assaulter..........🤔..........?
  9. They already have, they have been removed as illegal, on public land..........😂
  10. They were not his steps, do keep up Bob..........😂
  11. I don't think Bob & God should be mentioned together, chum.............😱
  12. Links for those accusations, please...No good posting things like that without evidence..........🤔
  13. That's not nice, Nige.........🤔
  14. Earlier I wrote it was a bit strong chucking him out......😉 But, immigration deals with the visa thing, the court deals with the offence, kicking a lady Doctor for sitting on steps on public land......
  15. I would have thought the development of the laser started a while back....🤗
  16. London Paddington to Pwllheli N.Wales, think it took 12 hours, using the coastal route in N. Wales. First time I think was 1955...........🤗
  17. I think that is obvious, but in some countries folk do have lions as pets, even bears..🤔
  18. I doubt any of us have forgotten about it, but has nothing to do with this thread........🤗
  19. 1. Do you know what a Doctor is.......? 2. Do you know what a lady is...? 3. Do you know what a kick is....? 4. Do you know what a court is for...? 1+2+3+4 = A Judge....
  20. Miserable elephants..........Are you a vet.......? Do the elephants at the Thai park regularly kill tourists, go on the rampage, are they starved, or do tourists give them treats.......? Are the tourists in the same heat as the elephants....? I think you are making a mountain out of a mole hill.........😯
  21. Only ones that are, or have been naughty, no work permits, opening businesses run by farangy's, you name it. As for us... 😇 ...farangy's, why would we leave in droves.....?
  22. Seller must have a Thai visa or extension of........ Unless things have changed....
  23. "Spiritual adviser"...................
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