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Everything posted by transam

  1. Well, wheelbarrow to the airport then........πŸ˜‹
  2. McTrump thinks his some sort of "Messiah", when in fact, he is just a dodgy wide boy chancer................πŸ€ͺ
  3. Famous last words, anybody.......? πŸ˜‚
  4. Try reading McTrumps woes, listen to his followers (YouTube), you will think again...πŸ˜‹
  5. No book, it is probably on the "book", belongs to a finance company....
  6. Carabau tastes 'orrible.....😝 Archa hasn't got a lot of flavour, but for me is very refreshing. I think Thais add a dash of Lao Khao................😝
  7. You're right, I was looking at it the wrong way round, it is the fill date. 100124...πŸ€—
  8. Best before date, plus, I may find your beer horrible...........πŸ˜‰
  9. You poor thing..........πŸ€”
  10. If you say so, Reverend.........
  11. Do you Wai at Tesco teller.......? πŸ€”
  12. I am lucky, have 2 beer and water agents nearby, big turnover, so I have no need to worry, plus the cases are always like brand new..πŸ€—
  13. Yes, William probably has..........R.I.P....πŸ˜”
  14. That's a Chevy..............🀭
  15. Who cares what the bloke thinks, did he mention the execution of 1200 civilians in cold blood........? πŸ€”
  16. No, a police escort........πŸ™„
  17. It read good to me............😘...............πŸ˜‚ Oh, I corrected your English grammar.......πŸ˜‚
  18. Sorry yes, William Morris, I had John Cooper in my head....πŸ€—
  19. I think it would sink...............
  20. John Morris is banging on his box lid over it............πŸ˜‚
  21. Being from the UK I have no interest in learning the language, when in the UK school I also had no interest in learning French, which we were told would be a great asset...πŸ˜‚ For me, been living here for many years, I get by not speaking Thai/Laos, when I did speak it, folk just looked at each other...πŸ˜‚....so now don't bother, except some very basic stuff. I have even spoken Queens English with Uni-English Thais, same thing, don't understand me, though to be fair, if I phone 3BB, press 9 for English, with a problem, they understand me perfectly, 10 out of 10........ So no, if you want to learn Thai/Laos, great, but get to a stage where you can converse, if not, waste of time....πŸ€—
  22. Yes, looks awful, a bit like the Maxus pickup with MG bling, ridiculous..
  23. You are not your mum, and I also think we are all not 100% medically perfect, so if one catches this disease, one must hope luck is on ones side.......πŸ˜‰
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