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Everything posted by transam

  1. Tom Cruise at 5'7" playing 6'5" Jack Reacher is a real joke...........😏
  2. Perhaps they don't want to, after all, they have to deal with people like you from not far from NZ......... But, where I live I have never heard of, or seen, polluted, rubbish everywhere. May I suggest you move to another location..........................
  3. A bit off-topic, so your country didn't do anything questionable to finish WWI, WWII or any other conflict..? Squeaky clean........πŸ˜‹
  4. I bet this low-life was excreting loud bum burps.......🀒
  5. All that just to execute 1200 Israeli citizens. I hope you have spent as much time chastising Hamas as you do here with the invaded........πŸ€” Only joking, your anti stuff won't allow it.....😁
  6. Must be 20+ years back I bought a UVB wand, great for patches, though it takes a bit of practice. When it came to scalp stuff, I gave up. But, the last few weeks, getting no results with steroids on the one patch on my scalp (as well as spot Psoriasis) I got the thing out of the draw, started my own thoughts with it, and not the instructions. It seems to be working, I hope not talking too soon...πŸ˜‹ https://www.drhoenle.de/en/produkte/dermalight-80/
  7. Sadly for us.............😏
  8. I thought you were an ol' duffer........😁
  9. No, it didn't for me. Psoriasis is a tricky critter, everyone has a different reaction to stuff, if it were that easy, they would have found a cure, but they haven't. πŸ€•
  10. The daft, know it all's didn't wear masks............πŸ˜‰
  11. My professor consultant in London was treating me more for the internal Psoriasis, Psoriatic Arthritis, he told me the risks of using Methotrexate, so I gave it a miss...πŸ€•
  12. No, it is James Taylor when he was young............😏 P.S. I re-wrote your post for you.........πŸ˜‰
  13. That's OK, need any more help, just ask...πŸ€—
  14. A cleaner clears up the mess, plus any other instructions via their pay packet......πŸ€—
  15. Some are too eager to bury a Thai...Nothing new from those......πŸ€”
  16. What, give up Adelaide..............😱..............
  17. If you read all of your 'half one liners', you would understand the meaning of "weirdo"..
  18. Spelling mistake, it was Adolf..........πŸ˜‚
  19. Tell all your next username, you must have thought it by now........😝 How about "Brush"............πŸ˜‚
  20. You would say that, try posting the normal number of posts per day and see the change in interactions from anyone, you know it makes sense.....πŸ˜‰
  21. This is the type of post we are used to from you, has absolutely no content except having a dig at a member, it is your trait, sadly it seems the forum needs a dip-stick for the clicks.......πŸ₯΄ "Cheap Chinese parts to fix cars", hmmm, now I think I did mention something about your mental health.....................
  22. Just imagine all those bar girls buying suitcases in anticipation......
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