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Everything posted by transam

  1. Of course you would, but does it really matter where EV probs are...πŸ€—
  2. YouTube is full of EV experiences that anyone can go and watch.......πŸ€—
  3. Running out of electric and not having a 'can' to go get some. If I/we don't own an EV we can't answer your question, but there are tales galore on the Internet.....πŸ€—
  4. Yes, it was me that laughed. Your stuff reads like you are really frightened of the ladies and life. Man up, be adventurous instead of being a worried ol' bloke.............
  5. You worry too much about Dan, I doubt he worries about you...😘
  6. Well, I don't have a Limited Company to live in a house in my name only.....πŸ˜‰ But we did buy it when married, so I would have some sort of claim on my outlay on this house. Been in it 17 years now.....πŸ€— Does it matter in what part of Thailand a lady comes from, or where I wanted to live, to you....?
  7. Guessing again, you read too much media cr@p......
  8. Yes, a tool with a smartphone that can't get a real job........
  9. Are you short of a couple of bob, to have to risk hassle.........?..........
  10. A. Well, there are a lot of fruitcakes that will vote...... B. I don't think you watched it......
  11. Dump the shorts, mon ami, those days are over..........πŸ₯Ά
  12. Perhaps he is still busy sorting out his banking stuff...........πŸ€—
  13. Take your time to be sure you order the right one. Take out the old one and have a rule handy....πŸ˜‰ https://www.lazada.co.th/tag/faucet-valve/?spm=a2o4m.home-th.search.2.11257f6dczOnz6&q=faucet valve&_keyori=ss&clickTrackInfo=abId--378451__textId--8062635908993314726__score--0.19724953__pvid--54f6077b-61b2-4a19-95bd-f12688610b47__matchType--102__matchList--2__listno--0__inputQuery--faucet%2Bvalves__srcQuery--faucet valve__spellQuery--faucet valve__ctrScore--0.5313781__cvrScore--0.0021698321&from=suggest_normal&sugg=faucet valve_0_1&catalog_redirect_tag=true
  14. I think he will be doing that stuff in a trench near his real home, sooner than he thought........
  15. The "O" rings on the shaft cause drips too, I haven't found any the same size, but the complete replacement fitting costs peanuts on Lazada.........πŸ€—
  16. Probably, but Goaty likes him, or did, I can tell by the continuous Dan threads...😘
  17. Why so nosey, we know you take notes and find photos of members... OP, be careful..........
  18. Good morning Goaty, oh, afternoon, well to be honest I was sort of thinking about your "Dan" trilogy, for some reason, he and Brits come under your regular attack here, but I must admit it does make for some amusing banter......πŸ˜‰ Oh, a Brit cannot put "his" house in his wife's name, any house/land bought will be in his wife's name anthoooo, but if he bought it during marriage he has a 50% claim on it..πŸ€—
  19. I'm not so sure, imagine having a mental breakdown because you could not find a charging station, I think there must be many tales out there regarding issues we don't read here..🀭 But, back on topic, my friend has a 5 year old 'BRITISH' MG ZS petrol, he is going to sell it. I ask if he was going to buy another MG, he said no. Are you going to buy electric, no, not in Thailand, I don't want to be stranded. Well, what are you going to buy....? He said, not sure on brand yet, but it will be a hybrid, I said, wise move, .........
  20. The policeman will be protected at all costs, as for the 'professional' manner, is there any such thing here.........?.......πŸ˜‰
  21. It's OK, really......
  22. I don't know an "Oily", hmm, so you cannot translate your post, OK, no ploblem...πŸ€”
  23. No Macron, the Germans want that, one of the reasons the UK bailed, mon amis...
  24. Could you explain what you are on about, please........ It's high priority...........
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