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Everything posted by transam

  1. I like to watch those USA YT vids on Frauditors etc, without a doubt 99% of them are low-life, can't get job waisters.. All to do with milking their amendment rights. The USA police are really having to put up with a lot of cr@p, but lately I have noticed things are slowly changing, this week a hi-so ring leader got 6 months in jail, the court case was very satisfying, and I'm not from the USA......🤭 Sorry off-topic.........😉
  2. Who has never runs out of petrol....... Ooooh, Joe Bloggs hasn't.............
  3. I know..........😘
  4. We had a thread on here not that long ago about non-payment of traffic fines, and that now they were going after non payers with another fine on top for not paying. So how many have you got, how much will it add up to, including the (I think) 1000bht fine, EACH.....................🤣
  5. Oh dear............🤔
  6. New tech, plastic battery shells.............😱
  7. Oh, dear............
  8. I think you are now embarrassing the EV diehards.............
  9. So, more of your stupid assumptions..........Gawd 'elp us.......🙄
  10. How come........? 🤔
  11. Yes, try to give stuff more thought.....
  12. Good idea.................
  13. There is no Sainburies, or is it a new Russian outlet you frequent.......
  14. Underground, near the sea, what could possibly go wrong, were you an advisor for them..............
  15. Is your real name Pike.................
  16. How do you know.........? 🤔
  17. Yes I know, but why...............
  18. What on earth are you talking about......? 🤔
  19. I second all that.........
  20. I wonder what other dodges the father has regarding the safety of his frozen water...
  21. Why not spend more time talking about EV's instead of attacking those who ask questions. Perhaps you should gracefully withdraw............
  22. Thank you for the info.......That BYD plastic battery cover sounds a real no-no and obvious cost saving venture......
  23. Ooooooooooooh, so EV's are different in Thailand, thanks for pointing that out.. Learn something new every day here..........
  24. Any bad reports, breakdowns, that sort of thing...? 🤔
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