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Everything posted by transam

  1. No problem, unless you are really unlucky, just get it done and start a new life..........
  2. Must be short of "PM" work.......πŸ€”
  3. Yeeeh, fink he's an insider..............
  4. Try a Thai forum for Thais...........
  5. For sure, though I have never seen self-serve gas in LOS, in the west, for decades, but when that arrives here, a lot of locally employed non "educated" poorer folk will have a problem....πŸ€”
  6. You remind me of my school reports...."Should try harder".........πŸ˜‚
  7. ....and it's not cheap for 10 days stay if in London............😱
  8. I have a feeling I got them to call me back, well I did for something Gov, because of the cost and the phone running out of dosh.............
  9. This is not a Brexit thread, I know a few here wait in the wings for a Brexit dig, but it does get a bit boring, Raymond....πŸ˜‰
  10. Another riveting "tale" from Bob...................
  11. Yours was an easy search, sunbeam, this bloke cannot find anything, nor can I regarding his cr@p...............πŸ˜‚
  12. My PC is like Triggers broom, I have been messing about with it for years, because I like messing about with it. Motherboard and CPU are about 14 years old, PSU, GPU and SSD are not, various HDD ages, with download speed of 930Mbps... So it's gone from a slug to a fairly quick machine for my ageing gray cells........πŸ˜‹
  13. Like you have....? πŸ˜‚
  14. Why not, this top cop is under investigation for naughty stuff....
  15. These terrorists haven't the ball's for that, unarmed civilians is their thing, just like Hamas.......
  16. Yes, I had to fill in the long form, but, if you have a problem filling in the form, just ring them up, talk to a bloke about probs, I did, remember, what every you write on the form will affect the pension payment you will get... It did take me a while to remember jobs and dates I had......πŸ€•
  17. An anti-Brit speaks, but happily not for the vast number of British folk.......
  18. There's some top-notch legal guru's in the UK.....
  19. That's what he wants, his goal..........
  20. It would be to you, now try coming up with the goods as asked......πŸ€—
  21. Assault, yes, battery, no, let's not take the Russians actions too far. πŸ€” The fine was ridiculous, yes, suspended sentence was OK as she now has a record, so will now behave. I hope immigration looks into her reason to have a visa, as a precautionary thingy, and look into any other "employment".....πŸ˜‰
  22. Well said............
  23. There has always been religious groups that don't like the other because each think the other is wrong. Perhaps the reason I have no affiliation to any ancient unfounded, thought up by man belief........πŸ€—
  24. Eeeer, I don't care where you have used the pink ID card, I pointed out that on the back of the card only for use in the area it was obtained. I am I correct or not, YES or NO will do..... Of course, my translation skills may be questionable, so what does it say on the back of yours, or anybody who can read it...........🀭
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