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Everything posted by transam

  1. Which just goes to show you never watched the speech, and to think folk who make speeches don't have notes is ridiculous, but expected from you, BN....
  2. Probably right up your street, did she have flip-flops on too....?
  3. She did look that, for sure........
  4. Police job is to deal with all, regardless of nationality, local, tourist, or farangy expats. Why do you think the police don't deal with their own troublemakers....?
  5. No you don't need a work permit to mess around in your own gaff, if that were the case, we would all starve...........................🙄..........................
  6. I don't get involved much with the USA politics, except emphasising Trump is an embarrassment, but after reading so much cr@p from people like you, an Australian, I thought I would watch his State of the Union speech. After watching it, which I thought was very good, especially for the average American, and putting Trumpettes like you in their place, it seems to me you know nothing, just concentrate on the blokes age. The funniest bit was when the camera swung round to pick up a heckler, a bird in a Trump ball cap, how embarrassing, one of McTrumps trusted aids..................
  7. "Mumbling nonsense", blimey, you can talk.............
  8. Wow, good for you, have fun...........
  9. Why can't you work in your own house....? 🤔
  10. But you judge women by the type you pick up, you being one who has to commit fraud on his state pension to survive, isn't going to attract much better, eh.........
  11. As I said, weren't you lucky.........😋 No, I never had special jabs, I/we just used our loves sifting through the advice floating about at the time.... Whereas, on here you had members spouting off on how wonderful their immune system was and would never catch it...........Bwaaah.......😁
  12. .................Reads like you have been wearing shorts and flip-flops for way to long, BN..............
  13. Well, yes, it may, though you are lucky you never needed to be on a ventilator, others were not so lucky.....................😉 Strange you had it twice and me never....Strange that.......
  14. Your actions are the same, it's your trait......................
  15. Dave, keep your head down, a few of your sort are not happy........................
  16. All that is just your opinion, you have done similar to me this morning............. May I suggest you have a look in your own backyard.............😉................🤭
  17. At the end of the day, this is LOS, a place you decided to reside (I think), and learn/understand how things work here. To me, being here many years, we have always had naughty farangy stories here, after all, naughty farangy's think LOS is a soft touch, police sparse, yet, when a farangy gets cornered, farangy's on here start screaming..........So funny..........😂
  18. Not sure if you would be any use, chap..............😬
  19. There is a Thailand outside your girlie bars, chap..........😉
  20. Your input is becoming amusing instead of me taking it seriously........🤣 Do you actually think folk here are going to risk taking your advice on committing fraud over a few pension quid. It is sad that you find yourself in a position to commit UK pension fraud, I am sure most feel a bit sorry for you, but me, no, you will only be happy when someone falls into your trap and gets a problem... But as I said, your efforts at convincing folk to commit fraud is amusing, and I am surprised this forum allows you to do it, but that's another story, eh,........🤭
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