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Everything posted by transam

  1. All your stuff involves/revolves around girlie bar stuff and Brits, you should be proud of your continuous input on the subject, Australians must be proud of you....... But, yes, the bloke is a pest and will no doubt pay the price..........👍
  2. Are you a lady kicker then..................😂
  3. Their country, sunbeam, plus 99.99% of us farangy's do not kick Thai ladies....😉 So why should us 'normal' non-hi-so blokes worry........? 🤔
  4. You're 'avin a laugh, the photo 'still' does not tell a lie...........................😂
  5. But you are our resident girlie bar expert, which I am sure a few here are grateful, not sure about the locals though..........😂
  6. Did anyone starve during Covid.......? If farangy's were barred from Phuket, as suggested, would thousands lose their living......? 🙄 The price to earn a living is having to endure all types of a holiday destination, for which you are one, our resident expert on girlie bars...........🤭
  7. I don't have too...........😉 Cheers..................🤭
  8. There have always been shady farangs out here, with this case the locals got behind the doctor and caused a stir that the media lapped up, I've not seen that before. Also doctor is a revered profession in LOS, they are looked up to. So Dave, what goes around, comes around, remember that ambulance ruckus, well, it's payback time..........🤗
  9. Why, you have not seen the photo 'still' of Daves foot making contact, perhaps you should avoid the beer and do some more research, eh...............................
  10. You go find the still of Daves foot doing the dastardly deed, it's out there..................😂
  11. Thai YouTube was crammed with footage and news of Swissy David last night, even a single photo frame of Daves foot making contact with the girl. The girl also has a farang b/f/husband, though I could not understand what he was saying to the reporter. It also seems Daves involvement with senior bib is to be investigated....😱 Minister Anutin is taking a trip to Phuket to investigate too.....😱 Mrs.T said something about Dave losing his visa..........😱 But one thing is for sure, the locals are not happy.............
  12. Levels of education are not a measure of intelligence or common sense. Take yourself, for instance.......
  13. So, what's that got to do with this bloke..? 🤔
  14. So, what's that got to do with this bloke.........? 🤔
  15. I fear Mr. Kick has now been "branded" by the locals in his region, never to be shaken off...... He will have to get used to the finger pointing..........🤭
  16. But you're not a Thai doctor with connections........🤗
  17. In my over half a century of living in the UK, I have never known if someone was Jewish, except seeing those blokes in black suits with strange haircuts in London.....
  18. The only fixation is you with the word "mob", which is related to the UK's crime figures... Would you like me to post more links, they may enlighten you.........? 🤗
  19. The tourists would not have a clue what that meant, probably thought.."Have a nice day"..........🤗
  20. Well, you will have to probably read a lot more here.........🤗
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