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Everything posted by transam

  1. 😂.........I'm surprised you live here then, if you are that worried over one dick head................😂
  2. Well, just behave yourself in Phuket........
  3. A raffle at a girlie bar................? 👍....................
  4. I wouldn't know what women are thinking, all women are different, same with men, look at the difference between you and me..........😱
  5. I am English, I am sorry if I cannot understand your English efforts, I would be grateful if you could make your post understandable, and not go off on a tangent regarding my English, English. 😘 There's a good chap..........
  6. Correct, and they will do it, even more so now the MP is involved.....
  7. Yes, riiiight.................Enter>>> your girlie bar advice here.....................😆
  8. Is that poty trained Goat, can't be anything else.........🤭.........
  9. But immigration is a branch of the RTP, plus the offence is looked at by the local RTP to do what they think best....... MP Anutin is now going to the scene of the crime, it's all hands on deck, sadly for Dave..............😋
  10. I am not sure who you are referring too in your post.... Your second line is even more confusing, though sounds interesting.. You could have another try.........🤗
  11. Better be quick, they're being snapped up at an alarming rate...............😥
  12. That reads like you better keep your head down and stop worrying..............
  13. He has admitted assault, so stay tuned.............😉
  14. Because Doctors are looked up to here, as someone spending a lot of time and effort to become one, to help those Thai folk in need of help.............🤗 I think Dave's episode has proved it. You are not in farangland now............😉
  15. 😂..........A farangy assault supporter..... Do NOT let immigration or your locals know you are, if they do, your status may take a sudden change..............😱...............😂
  16. Don't let the local's know, just carry on Wai-ing................
  17. That's great.................🙄................
  18. Yeeeh, riiiight, according to you...............🤭
  19. What you did for a living has nothing to do with your take on a subject. I mean, if you were that good, how did you end up in LOS.........
  20. Still making excuses for the bloke, are you Swiss by any chance............? 🤭
  21. You are looking at Thai folk complaining about a guest farangy, them showing their disdain, so forget about calling them a mob, that just shows your disdain of the Thai populace showing their anger. I have not commented on visa issues, that is for the RTP to decide, it is their country, don't forget that, guest...............🤗
  22. Sorry no, I do have a YouTube account for history, but Mrs.T used Thai on guest, so not saved.. There are a lot of vids on Dave, you will just have to scan through them, but, the vid of him walking taken by someone behind him is everywhere, you can clearly see Mr.Angry's stuff.....
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