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Everything posted by transam

  1. πŸ˜‚...............Which of your usernames would you like me to use to not talk to you.....?......πŸ˜‚
  2. It seems, as usual, you know nothing..................
  3. What country are you from, tell us, if you dare, regarding your assumption of British servicemen and women....😁
  4. Worth remembering, stuff does happen...πŸ˜‰
  5. Doubt it............
  6. So you have not lived in LOS for long, or at all..........
  7. ..........or think you are protected because you know people..........
  8. πŸ˜‚............You wish................πŸ˜‚
  9. From the mug shot, he's hiding a bit more..............😝
  10. Rickety old trains, unmanned rail crossings, submarines that are not needed, now surely there are some problems that should be sorted first..πŸ€”
  11. Yes, I listened to that and thought, WTF.... Honestly, these people have really lost the plot and "stuffing" the UK..............😟
  12. Although I think Dave is a tosser, chucking him out does seem OTT, they should have made him cough up a few quid, and sent to chat to an English speaking monk for a few days........... I cannot imagine he hasn't learned a very big lesson, that his perceived hi-so-ness means anything here when you upset the people of this land...................πŸ€”
  13. We can guess why..............
  14. I have no doubt............
  15. Yeh riiiiight, did so well, has to fiddle the state pension.......πŸ˜‚
  16. Yes, bum burp day for many.........πŸ₯Ί Especially those who bought a house under a company name that does nothing, and bragged about it on here...............😱
  17. Was that automatic..................πŸ˜‚
  18. I may have got this wrong as Mrs.T was trying to tell me what was being said on Thai news. It seems Dave has stirred up a hornets nest, there is now a call to investigate all fatangy business interests, whether just Phuket I don't know. I immediately thought of those farangy's who opened a company just to buy a house......... I think Dave may have to move on the way things look, if the threats are implemented... πŸ₯Ί
  19. Weeeeell, unless the video out there has been photoshopped, yes, plus he admitted it, though claimed he slipped, which is..........πŸ˜‚.............
  20. 1960's Mini Cooper S, MGB, stuff like that were good fun for the era, even my 1976 6.8 V8 was manual when I bought it, but things have moved on, my V8 became quicker when I changed to a performance auto, and was more reliable. Nearly all 4 wheel motorsport is a form of auto now. The autos in street cars are way different to those of yesteryear. CVT, the latest Auto kid on the block to rid folk of that clutch pedal, which brings fuel consumption to around that of a manual, using your engine's torque for the best possible performance and fuel economy....πŸ˜‰ The key for no problems with CVT is the oil/fluid change, change early is better, way more important than a regular auto............πŸ€—
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