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Everything posted by transam

  1. Isn't it strange that every one in your eyes is a troll, you don't seem to realise that it's the other way around, Pikey..
  2. Behavior is the USA spelling, behaviour is the English, English spelling......
  3. Do you know what his wellington boots are for, think about it...........
  4. He would be embarrassed talking about the sheep farm and wellington boots.........
  5. But you do............
  6. Another Big Nok's Troll Patrol thread............................
  7. ..........I think you're right, he even knows older folk sleep apart, very strange....
  8. Another thread, and yet another troll call.......... I am 100% sure you are just posting rubbish looking for trolling opportunities.....
  9. transam


    Assh_les doing this kinda stuff are quite common now in 2023..........
  10. Good morning Gotty, sorry but, I don't know what you are on about..............
  11. Indeed, they do.................
  12. But you did read it...........🤭
  13. 😂...........Reads like you're really rattled, 10,300 posts in 8 months of non-stop daft threads to troll with. You have been sussed out, Tango'd..........😂
  14. What, chopping heads off babies....?
  15. Pikey is cornered...........Baaaaaahhhh, baaaaaaahhh.......🐑
  16. Yes, he let that slip, so now posts 43 posts a day here, I think he thinks he will get a cheque from YouTube...........🤣
  17. At least I didn't drop into of a sheep pen for girlie stuff, eh Pikey...........😂
  18. I am, but not a moron and clueless, I will leave that to you, Pikey.....😋
  19. I thought I was your stalker, make up your mind Pikey......
  20. You stupid boy, it's your namesake...........😂
  21. If you had a username like "Pike", you would probably get on very well here......😉
  22. To you, a clueless moron (your words), my 13 posts per day could be all troll posts., but how about your 43 posts per day, just go look at ALL the reactions you get for them, it's not a pretty sight.....You....., me....................😋
  23. Well, you sound acceptable here, being a moron and clueless, new bloke...........🤭
  24. That is his response to being cornered.......🤭
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