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Everything posted by transam

  1. Perhaps not all folk of that age are not in your financial bracket....πŸ€”
  2. Plymouth......
  3. Yes, Reverend................πŸ˜‡
  4. With you, most definitely.........πŸ€ͺ
  5. Strange you should notice that kind of stuff..............
  6. We think alike on Goat's issues................πŸ˜‰
  7. Hamas actions in October, all down to those who thought Iran's backup would prevail..FAIL...
  8. Will be humans free there then...........πŸ€”
  9. Have they all gone home to try it....................
  10. Gawd...............
  11. Because he is a dodgy BS-er, with the gift-of-the-gab, which we have all seen and heard over the years, the gullible, the impressed by his wealth and daily Big Mac munchers fall for it, have you...?
  12. Sandpaper........
  13. The usual culprit is a head gasket gone/leak or a cracked head..........
  14. He is today, not sure about tomorrow though.................πŸ€—
  15. I even do a 90 day report for an old farangy friend on my PC because he is bedridden.........πŸ€—
  16. A lot of British name links to Australia, I would have thought.........πŸ₯΄
  17. Probably the bloke who wrote the list.....πŸ˜‹
  18. Yeh, riiiight, the only tourists that should come to LOS should be all angels............🀣
  19. The problem is, these tools KNOW they shouldn't be on the road in the first place, if they did cause an altercation it would be too late for those affected......
  20. So you think these motorised one wheel things with probably no brakes are OK to drive/ride amongst the public.......? πŸ€” You, would soon complain if they had caused an accident.............
  21. Does bignok ask for money, I wonder.........?
  22. Must be a couple of farangy numb nuts to do that, especially on Thai roads..........
  23. In my opinion too, chap, do you actually live here...? πŸ€—
  24. How did you do that....? Explanation please.........πŸ€”
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