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Everything posted by transam

  1. I sold the tweaked TV175 to a friend and bought a Vespa SS180, which sounded glorious with a twin trumpet box..........
  2. I ended up with one of those coupled with a Wal Phillips fuel injector, the one I ended up in court over was a brand new chrome fruity sounding thing, unfortunately the ol' bill were not impressed by it. But I did take into the courtroom to show the judge that it was new and bought in good faith, the judge and my mum looked up at the ceiling with smiles, fined 2 quid............😇
  3. 🤣.........I was at the in-law's house when it turned up from the dealer, now I couldn't ignore it, could I....🤣 But, our lad whispered to me, "It's a cheap car, I don't like it".........😉
  4. 0I had a lovely sounding Vespa SS180 in 1966, I did get nicked for excessive noise on a Lambretta in 1965...........It was a Mod thing...........
  5. I think you are reading something that isn't there, chap.........😏
  6. You weren't young once...........?
  7. McTrump is an embarrassment for the USA.........😟
  8. Thank you for asking, I am fine, been doing some hands-on stuff for a few out there that are unable, thankfully I am still able to help out.............😇
  9. They don't live in LOS, Bruno, but at least I am totally useless here with one username, eh......😉
  10. Me, a great-grandfather frustrated...................🤣
  11. Try having a word with bank and loan company staff that arrange loans......
  12. Thank you, Raymond, dare not why my absence, shall we say, I was disappointed with the way things were going on here.........😉
  13. 🤣............No, I wouldn't call you a sad sack, keep on puffing, Bruno........🤣
  14. My daughter in-law has just bought one, the cheapest model. It has all the bell's and whistles, but for me the downside is the engine, basic 1500cc engine that the Chinese owners stick in everything. The more expensive models have a turbo, for the size of the car I think I would have gone for that. Getting in and out of the back seat is a pain, and I am not tall.
  15. Not from smoking weed, Bruno, plus, I only have one username, eh........😉
  16. Pot/kettle, Bruno...........😉
  17. Spoken like a true dope puffer...........🤣
  18. No, I have never had the inclination to puff on dope, a couple of beers is just fine for me, I am whacky enough as it is........🤪..................😋
  19. More like you are describing yourself, ol' chum, perhaps stay off the weed, eh.............🤭
  20. I have had the basic package for many, many years, it has never gone up, only the speeds have gone up, plus free fiber upgrade installed, 631baht........
  21. 3BB came to my house and I watched what the did testing my set-up, which included testing my 3BB modem etc. In my spare time, I fix or upgrade friends computers, so I know about what different PC's can do or not do. As I said, I get 930Mbps on my very old PC, which is a vast improvement over the 60 odd MBPS I used to get...🤗
  22. Thought so................🤭
  23. Your envy shows.......😁
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