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Everything posted by transam

  1. There are those here who conveniently "forget" all that European history of the era.... 🀭
  2. "Most recently in 2016".............πŸ˜‚
  3. Hey, it's me giving you "laughs"...........🀣
  4. I think Big Nok is never without a bar of soap, purely for an attacker to slip on, of course........
  5. He is, we are worried you cannot defend yourself in the hangouts you probably frequent......😘........As your mouth is your Big problem.....πŸ₯΄
  6. Bwaaaaaaaaaaah..........................🀣
  7. Started by YOU, Brit basher...........Grow up............
  8. He has now about turned, been buried and wants to play the "Good Boy" card.....πŸ˜‹
  9. Says the kid Brit troller..........😊
  10. Think he was going for a threesome on this thread..........😱 Blimey, back to self-defence, eh........πŸ˜‚
  11. At least he has come out of the closet..........
  12. To a kid like you, pointless, your mouth will always get you in trouble......πŸ₯΄
  13. But you like childish stuff, now make up your mind......πŸ™„
  14. Says a sheep & wellingtons kinda guy....😘
  15. At least you are providing clicks for the forum with your childish cr@p....
  16. πŸ˜‚........Probably good practice, but I have never blocked anyone, came close, but they usually bury themselves.......πŸ€—
  17. Never mind BN πŸ˜₯, next time try and avoid baiting Brits, as for self defence recommendations, don't talk your baiting cr@p in girlie or gay bars with Brits present. You know it makes sense.......πŸ˜‰
  18. Very funny, but I think you should retire to where ever you go now, you have been "Tango'd".........πŸ€”
  19. Well he is pally with Goaty.......😘
  20. Oh wow, I am impressed......... As for your guessing, not worth my effort, I will just refer you back to the shed......πŸ› οΈ
  21. Says the bloke with 10,000 posts in 8 months.......Most of those baiting cr@p....πŸ˜‚
  22. You're 'avin a laugh, but correct on "Weird".........
  23. I am the pensioner, the other bloke I think is a teacher with a degree.... As for testosterone, don't think so....πŸ˜‚
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