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Everything posted by transam

  1. You can go to a dentist and pay for it, why should the taxpayer pay to sort your teeth out...... Dentist are everywhere in the UK, Google will help you find the nearest one for you.............???? But, you may have to dip into your beer money pot......????
  2. Wheelchair & minder.................
  3. Aaaaaaah, that explains it, Joes Cafe and no tooth brush.........????
  4. All cr@p, us British do not get teeth done on the NHS, unless something that needs a hospital, we have to pay for it. I think you read too much gossip. Where do you come from...?
  5. No, thank you, I have been down that road, a long time back.......????
  6. Talking about people's intelligence, , it seems you have spent a life worrying over the cost of going out to dinner, so didn't go, instead Mrs. MG had to put up with your creations as a surprise..............................................???? I can accept you buying a cheap MG, but slagging off more expensive dining venues is a bit "rich"...????
  7. Just ask for the OAP menu, they may have one..............????
  8. So Goaty never eats a hamburger that zillions do, boring or what..........????
  9. Shelter...
  10. B.S., you have a problem with the bloke, or anyone becoming famous, because you watched him on television, and yours is better...............Bwwwaaaaaaaaaaahh. ???? Well Mr. MG, I bet he doesn't drive a cheap MG......????
  11. Seems you really have it in for the UK bloke, what is your USA problem.........? ????
  12. There's always someone better on here, ???? and how can you make such a statement if you have never eaten any of his creations..........
  13. Think I read somewhere that all new builds in LOS have to be earthed. My house was built in 2007 too, the builders were dumbfounded at my earthed 3 pin socket request, I did get through in the end, even an earth at light fittings. But, the biggest, dumbest thing they did, which I only found out by accident, and at a different house of a friend on an estate was, the A/C & showers do not go through the consumer unit, they are earthed, but there is nothing to trip. I replaced all the wall switches to them with Haco trip switches, had to do it with the live......????
  14. You have no earthing in your house......?
  15. Aaah, a queue jumper, not only in LOS then............???? They need a good thrashing..........????
  16. Go to B-Quik and change the trans oil first. If you have never changed the oil, you may have caused a problem yourself with the mechanicals. ???? Don't dismiss the clutch is on the way out, or needs adjusting, I don't know if it is self adjusting on your ride..........????
  17. So that's where your pennies go...............
  18. Dunno, just read the story, things are closing in............????
  19. I currently know 3 expats who cannot do anything regarding visa, passport etc. I do a couple of blokes stuff for them. It is down to old age and their gray cells. So, YOU, get off your high horse and think of others predicaments, instead of your tiny I'm all right box..........................
  20. I don't know if this has been mentioned here or elsewhere, but there is even more cr@p for some in the pipeline with a Barklays Bank account, unless you have 100,000 quid to stash............???? https://uk.yahoo.com/style/barclays-debank-british-expats-134809331.html
  21. Are you...............????..........................????
  22. That's the starters...........???? But, us Brits know there are Fish & Chip's, and there are Fish & Chip's........ Now I would expect GR to import Cod, Plaice and Skate, if he is going to be very British about it....
  23. If you have seen the proposed menu, please post it here............
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