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Everything posted by transam

  1. You sound like a good catch.......................????.......................????
  2. The country runs on corruption in every corner, if folk are brought up on it, what can you expect..........????
  3. Thailand has Christmas activities, with NO help from us farangy's, any excuse for a p_ss-up.............. Next............
  4. You're from N. Korea then.....................? ????
  5. And how do you do that, how do you know what an individual is thinking.....?
  6. Tools watched to many USA drifting vids, putting bystanders in hospital.....???? I like motor sport, but for the life of me, I cannot see the point of drifting a car.....................
  7. Interesting video, surprised me a bit, worth a watch.......☺️
  8. Oh, dear, having a bad, are we, your bird gone missing, didn't win the lotto..................? ????
  9. Back to the pen, goaty, and don't forget your wellington boots........????
  10. I am in no way religious, you will have to think of something else........????
  11. The bloke has been here 40 years and is a newbie here..... Been trying to work out who it is/was...............????.....................????
  12. Says Goaty, our resident sex venue guru......................................................????
  13. He hasn't phoned anybody..............????
  14. Stand down chap, we have all taken notice of your latest pop.... And tiresome it is too....................
  15. And there we have it, Goaty just looking for something to have a pop about, nothing changes, eh Goaty....???? Goaty, being Australian, actually told the bird on the phone what is on the back of the latest "UK" card licence regarding 3 motorcycle categories to explain my question, eh Goaty.......???? Stand down chap, you're dismissed................................................????
  16. Seems you're on a roll with your negative attitude. Start a thread about your problems.............
  17. Surprise....
  18. That reminds me of a song.................
  19. True to form, Goaty........???? Stand down chap.....????
  20. Yeh, I bet you did..............................???? Stand down chap...............????
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