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Everything posted by transam

  1. That is a load of tosh, you are talking about you and your ideas, we are all different, and we may not be above average height and handsome like yourself...................????
  2. The same as in London when I did it, I knew many rascals.... But they needed to show hire & reward insurance for their Morris Marina, though many of us had Ford Granada's, got the better work . ???? Regarding the thread, I was just thinking what licenced taxi's thought if they did have to have the operator's licence AND the insurance. ???? I would be a bit p_ssed off too..........????
  3. Chest..........
  4. Taxi drivers are licenced, so I assume they must provide proof of hire & reward insurance. I am thinking what I had to do near 50 years back as a London mini cab driver, not a taxi, we were called "private car hire operators", all you needed was a car that ran, they gave you a 2 way radio to communicate with the office, then away you go, but you had to show hire & reward insurance for the car for passenger transportation protection. Wasn't cheap, cost me then about 1000 quid a year.....????
  5. A funny read...........................????
  6. I agree, and to me, cancelling traffic light instructions at crossroads seems a daft idea in LOS..........???? As daft as U-turns, all over the place....????
  7. Apartment...
  8. Recording......
  9. Certificate....
  10. Do what..? ????
  11. Member.....
  12. Master.........
  13. Feathers........
  14. Pea............
  15. You take one to the drags on deaf folk day...............????
  16. Hire and reward insurance for private hire vehicles, having the correct licence to ferry those rich farangy's around.............???? Vehicle road use is another topic, which has been done to death...............????
  17. Something special, perhaps.............????
  18. He actually still thinks he is in charge...........
  19. ................Though your post is laughable, your second paragraph is totally wrong, I say again, totally wrong......???? Once again you show absolutely no credibility, so, you are dismissed, you can stand down now, till the bar closes................................????
  20. There are those on this forum that support low-life spoiling ordinary folks enjoyment, over time you will spot them....????
  21. I think immigration offices are different, I personally would do a few new ones, you don't want to be sent on your way over a couple of photos, do you...????
  22. Then there was, The Guardian...................
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