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Posts posted by transam

  1. 12 hours ago, 0ffshore360 said:

    What porkies  Sam?

    I could  waste energy and extract comments  made in topics involving visa applications  etc. Made even  my  new boy time !

    Dementia  respects nobody it seems !

    What are you talking about, visa application topics..............😂


    Read your last sentence, you should take note of it........😉........🤭


    Oh, please don't call me Sam, it has no reference to me, but you can call me Trans, as most do......🤗

    • Sad 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, 0ffshore360 said:

    Visa or not he is commenting  on the status of people entering his  home country while located  in Thailand. Am I disallowed to speculate on his right to comment status  if he questions others ?

    Sam is also presumptive  enough to now quote longevity in Thailand as  17 years  yet in other topics has said comes and goes.

    I have been in Thailand virtually permanently for 22 years.

    In the current "woke " climate I have interpreted his forum identity as Tran Sam. He has yet to actually deny my interpretation.



    Don't tell porkies, I don't come and go, I bought our house in 2008, you silly boy.............😂

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  3. 1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    You should take a moment to look at ‘illegal immigration’ into the UK per year’ and then consider which political party was in power at the time.



    Enoch was right, we are doomed by people like you.......😱

    • Confused 1
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  4. 1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Because all Palestinians, including ‘Granny and little Mo’ are a threat to Jews in the UK?


    Or is that just one of the grossly generalized pejorative views you are so fond of inserting into any and every thread regardless of whether or not it had any significance whatsoever?

    But, you want everyone brought into the UK, for whatever reason, it is your anti-British goal to create problems, then slag the place off..............😒

  5. Just now, 0ffshore360 said:

    I was actually questioning the  validity of your personalized and accusative toward  a forum member basically accusing him of support for  illegal immigrants while you are  making such comment while resident in a country where you are  unlikely to  have legal resident status  yourself.

    Whats  with your pompous stand down crap Sam ? Are you a junior relative of Maggie Thatcher ?

    I have been posting here for 17+ years and have read a lot of stuff from different folk to build up a picture, but at this point in time, you know nothing........😉


    To top it all, you are a new boy, perhaps catching up on some reading, it may open your eye's before spouting.....🤗


    Lastly, why are you calling me Sam, very strange......🥴

  6. 4 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Time will tell.

    Of course, folk voted Labour in before, they cocked everything up, which they will do again, and probably lead to the UK becoming a ghetto for foreign spongers.


    It took a long time for Scots to suss the SNP out......


    An "Allah Akbar" bloke has been voted into a council seat, the nutter George Galloway now sits in the House............All not good........🥴

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  7. 2 minutes ago, 0ffshore360 said:

    Strange reference unless you are confirming out fishing. 

    Chummy, this is an English-speaking forum in Thailand covering many Worldwide  subjects.


    You are questioning me on me being in Thailand on a thread about a foreigner going around stabbing folk in the UK when I am from the UK.........🤪


    At this stage, I think you should stand down......😉





    • Haha 2
  8. 11 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    I look forward to the Labour Party publishing their manifesto, where such matters will be addressed. 


    It won’t be long after Sunak comes to terms with the fact he can’t hide from the electorate for ever.

    The electorate are already hiding, from Angela Rayner, in fear of her showing the Labour Party up, which she is good at.............😱

  9. 3 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    I have repeatedly stated this murderer should never have been allowed to stay, repeatedly stated he should have been processed, reflected and deported.


    In other threads I have consistently stated asylum seekers should be swiftly processed and bogus applicants should be swiftly deported.


    The Government have failed on immigration, that’s where the buck stops.


    Don’t go banging on about the SAS without some evidence to back your claims, I hate to see you embarrassing yourself with this nonsense, have you no dignity man?

    Post above........😉

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