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Posts posted by transam

  1. 2 minutes ago, Yagoda said:

    Uh oh. Bloke and Crackers. Eurotrash ignorance of the US, tempered at least with the fact you speak a dialect of English and have the Common Law.


    Everyone knew Donald Trumps private life in NYC in the 80s. All you needed to do was read Cindy Adams in the NY Post or be involved in NY Democratic politics. All those parties with ED Koch, and Hugh Carey, And Mario Cuomo, Joe and Bill and Hillary as they sucked money out of him, he was such a hero to the Dems while his checkbook was open. Even I was a registered Dem in those days, couldnt get anything done in NY otherwise.

    Yeeeh, riiiiiight.............:coffee1:

    Seems you read too many rags...............🥴

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  2. 1 minute ago, Yagoda said:

    Oh Im sorry dude I though you were familiar with my vision problems I mentioned in a thread a while back, Im still partially blind so its a bit hard to pic out the keys. But its getting better, thankls for asking, Ill mention to the Retinal Surgeon when I get back to the states in a month or so that her surgical techniques have cause distress to the Trumpophobic crowd. lol


    BTW there is no early.


    I have had 2 detached retina operations, 2 cataracts done, so don't try all that crap with me........🙄

    Just install a grammar and spell checker, even your Trump probably uses one.........:coffee1:

    • Haha 2
  3. 2 minutes ago, Yagoda said:

    Big Fingers Don never touched that loon, she was waaay too unattractive and at the time, Don was scoring some fab model ginzo, he wouldnt bother with that skank, ick.

    So you know all about his private life, a bloke on AN forum..........😂


    But, you are my perfect vision of a Trump voter, crackers..........:crazy:............🤭

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  4. 1 minute ago, retarius said:

    brilliant move by Trump. My hat off, sir. This drug addled fraud of a President needs taking down a few pegs. Biden is between a rock and a hard place....he cannot debate you if he is sober and not drugged up; and you can offer to be drug tested as well because you are clean, unlike dirty diaper poo-poo Biden. 

    The only brilliant move Trump makes is in a shop changing room......:coffee1:

    • Haha 2
  5. 1 minute ago, Hanaguma said:

    How about looking at the numbers compared by real Americans instead?


    Cost of a gallon of gas, a carton of eggs, a loaf of bread.  Cost of renting/buying a house plus financing. Cost of car loans. Cost of a goddam Big Mac set. Your "real experts" dont live in the real world. And that is why Biden is polling so poorly on the economy. 

    Have a look at what things cost in Europe......🤔

    • Thumbs Up 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Bo!!ox... Your bias is showing...


    There are plenty of places in the UK with poor service. In fact, some of my family in the UK recently shared a terrible restaurant experience.


    While you might encounter less surliness in the UK, it often depends on how respectfully the situation is managed. Bob, considering your attitude towards Thais, the waitress’s response might have been influenced by how you spoke to her. It seems likely that many of the situations you complain about are of your own making.






    ...........plus the custard stains on your tank top..........:stoner:

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