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Posts posted by transam

  1. 2 minutes ago, DavisH said:

    The cvt in out city turbo works fine. It has fake shifts to mimic a normal auto. So it wont whine at high rpm when you floor it. My wife also has a suzuki swift cvt that has that typical whine. Just push up to 4-5K and back off. Don't do that too much though. Don't do that often though as its modified - intake, exhaust, remap. and very loud at high rpm. But my son still prefers the city. 

    I am surprised the Swift has a CVT whine, I believe Mrs.T's Celerio has the same CVT, it has no whine at all.

    About 5 years back we looked at a s/h Mirage, now that had a horrible whine, we walked......😝

  2. 12 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Then you’ll have no problem providing a quote from me criticizing the ‘British’ or ‘Britons’ rather than this criticizing this failing Tory Government.


    Give it your best go.




    You know as well as I do you are an anti-Brit, never a good word for the country. The UK now doing better than the EU, where is your praise....?   

    Nothing, just pick on unemployment figures, you are laughable.

    A Leopard never changes its spots, eh, CH.......😂

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  3. 3 minutes ago, redwood1 said:


    Why thoughtless?......If you cant swim stay out of the water.....Its really just that simple...If go in deep water and drown, whos falt is that?

    Perhaps the pool gradient........😋

    I saved a lady in Italy, and an old guy in, I think, Minorca, because of the pool shallow too deep end gradient, though a long time ago... 🤗

    • Confused 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:



    The Rightwing Government have been in power for over 14 years.


    The period over which they lost control of the UK’s borders.

    *Had the Tory Government not stripped funding out of the asylum assessment system this killer would have been deported long before he killed.


    But go ahead, point fingers at ‘the left’.


    It’s always somebody else’s fault.



    Well, you, a lefty, would say that.............:coffee1:


    It will be very funny if your Angela Rayner ever has to control the country.......😂

  5. 3 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    No, I don’t ‘blame the UK’.


    Pointing out the part the abject failure of the current government and the part that failure had in leaving the killer in the UK is not ‘blaming the UK.


    Far from it, the UK deserves better than this serial failure Government.



    It's all you do, blame the UK for everything, no matter what the subject is, but a nice dodge attempt.........:clap2:

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